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Healthy 21-year-old had mild COVID-19 symptoms followed by organ failure


Key Point

  • In May, a 21-year-old man had a mild case of COVID
  • A few weeks later, his organs “decayed rapidly” as he was recovering.
  • Document said his body went into overactive mode

In the case of 21-year-old Spencer Lorison, COVID-19 showed few symptoms when first encountered in May. He thought it was like the flu. But worse things continued.

Lorison said CNN When he had only mild symptoms in May, he didn’t think much about it. At first, COVID-19 looked like a flu or cold, but mild symptoms lasted less than a week. A few weeks later, it was a life-threatening illness.

“I never thought I was at risk of death at the age of 21. About a week and a half and two weeks later, I started to feel sick,” he told CNN.

Rollyson was taken to the emergency room with a fever of 103.4 degrees and his doctor ordered several tests, such as a CT scan and chest x-ray, to identify the root cause, he told CNN. It all became clear, but he was in the ICU within the next two days. In just 48 hours, he told CNN that his organs were “beginning to decline rapidly.”

Rollyson’s experience reminds us that many young people should not take the new coronavirus lightly, even if they show few symptoms. It is not yet clear how each individual will respond to the virus.

In a recent study, 90% of recovered patients Continue to suffer From lung damage. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Post viral syndrome People who have recovered from COVID-19, symptoms include extreme fatigue, brain fog, and difficulty concentrating.

In some cases of COVID-19, even previously healthy individuals are faced Long-term symptoms..

Lorison’s doctor had informed him that his body had entered a hyperactive mode in which he tried to fight off the infection before he suffered from severe sepsis in addition to heart failure, acute respiratory failure.

A few weeks after recovery, Lorison’s heart rate continues to be monitored and on medication to control blood pressure levels.

His doctor advised him to continue his medicine for at least another year.

“I lost most of my life a month ago, so it’s not like messing around. It’s just safe, I wear a mask, I wash my hands. I can’t encourage it enough.” CNN quoted Rollyson.

man-4957154_1920 21-year-old patient with mild COVID-19 cases suffers from organ failure Photo: geralt, Pixabay


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