E-cigarettes considered healthier than smoking, affects sperm count, damages heart, lungs, Indian study says

E-cigarettes are often touted as a safer alternative to smoking and have gained attention around the world, including in India, where they remain banned.
A new study reveals that vaping has an immediate effect on the health of the body's blood vessels, even if e-cigarettes do not contain nicotine.
largely people stop smoking And he started using e-cigarettes to get addicted to nicotine. According to the American Lung Association, the liquid used in e-cigarettes contains chemicals such as nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavoring, and aroma transporters.
But researchers now say that even if vaping, an electronic device that injects a mist into your lungs, doesn't contain nicotine, it can still have negative effects on your body.
Research presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago It has been revealed that e-cigarettes affect blood flow. and oxygen levels in the body.
Researchers found that resting blood velocity in the femoral artery was significantly reduced and venous oxygen saturation decreased after vaping. This indicates that, similar to traditional smoking, vaping can reduce the lungs' ability to take in oxygen.
The study's lead author, Dr Marianne Naboo, stressed that although e-cigarettes expose users to fewer harmful chemicals than traditional cigarettes, they are not without risk. “The acute effects of e-cigarettes can be felt immediately on the body's vascular system. Long-term use can cause vascular disease,” she pointed out.
VAPE trends in India
Approximately 27% of India's population consumes tobacco in some form, and its huge population makes India the world's largest tobacco market.
meanwhile India banned the sale of e-cigarettes in 2019 To curb the growing trend of vaping among young people, the practice continues through illegal channels and online platforms.
The ban was aimed at addressing concerns about nicotine addiction and the appeal of flavored e-cigarettes, especially to young people. However, enforcement remains a challenge and vaping devices remain accessible.
The study titled “Adolescents and e-cigarettes in India: A qualitative study of perceptions and practices.” Published by the National Library of Medicine In September 2022, we focused on vaping culture among young people.
It has been revealed that e-cigarettes are often considered relatively harmless due to a lack of awareness about their harmful health effects.
“I started using it because of the influence of a friend, colleague, or sibling. Being able to do playful tricks with different flavors, aftertastes and smoke, and having fun with friends were cited as reasons for continued use. ” states the study. .
Globally, research shows that e-cigarette use is rapidly increasing among ex-smokers, with many using e-cigarettes as a tool to quit traditional cigarettes.
In the UK, one in five ex-smokers will report vaping in 2024, a figure largely driven by the availability of disposable e-cigs. Tobacco consumption is already a major public health problem in India, but e-cigarettes are making it even more of a concern.
Effect on fertility
While vaping poses a threat to your lungs and blood vessels, it also affects your reproductive health.
Dr Chandana Narayana, a senior consultant at Kinder Hospital in Bangalore, warned about the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes. “Long-term use of VAPE devices not only affects the respiratory system; Serious impact on reproductive health” she told
For men, vaping can reduce sperm quality, further impacting fertility. For women, the endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in e-cigarettes can cause irregular periods and complications during pregnancy.
“Women trying to conceive or who are already pregnant are advised to avoid e-cigarette use entirely due to potential risks such as growth restriction and ovulation problems,” Dr. Narayana said. Ta.
Despite the ban, awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes remains low in India, the expert added.
Public health experts have emphasized the need for education and strict enforcement of regulations.
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