Vaccines can end HIV – African governments need to lead development
HIV remains Major global public health challenges.
Nowhere is this more obvious than southern and eastern africawhere the majority of people living with HIV live. Despite significant progress against the disease, the number of new HIV infections remains alarmingly high here. Prevention and treatment.
In South Africa, it is estimated that 150,000 people I get infected with HIV every year.
This alarming figure highlights the increasing number and inadequate availability of proven preventive measures, such as oral and injectable antiretroviral drugs. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
That's all, but 7.5 million people In South Africa, only those living with HIV 5.9 million It's on Antiretroviral therapy (ART). This means that one in four people with HIV is not receiving treatment.
If an HIV-infected person takes their HIV medications as prescribed and has an undetectable viral load; Avoid transmitting HIV through sexual activity.
However, treatment disparities in South Africa make it impossible to achieve the goal of treatment as prevention, which will require widespread ART uptake.
As medical scientists working in HIV prevention, we believe that an HIV vaccine is essential to eradicating HIV infection. Vaccines help the body learn: protect yourself from illness There is no risk of serious infection.
HIV vaccine research and development should remain a global priority. African scientists must continue to play a critical role in developing affordable and durable interventions.
It's an important promise, but the price is high.
Recent advances in long-acting injectable PrEP Lena KapabilClinical studies have shown that it almost eliminates sexual transmission of HIV, and there is great hope that it will reduce new infections.
However, the cost of these injections can be up to $44,819 approximately R800,000 per person per year). This makes it impossible to provide them to the public health system.
Voluntary licensing agreements with generic manufacturers may make generic drugs more available. However, expanding PrEP coverage alone will not eliminate HIV.
the power of vaccines
Eliminating HIV requires a safe, effective and affordable vaccine.
The HIV vaccine could provide long-lasting immunity, perhaps in four doses over a year.
Vaccines help protect against infectious diseases, and their use is critical to reducing childhood deaths. smallpox has been eradicated Due to the widespread use of vaccination, vaccines are Essential for measles control.
To date, despite decades of research and significant financial investment, HIV vaccine candidates have not shown any further success. Moderate protection effect.
We are confident that continued global investment in HIV vaccine research and development will United Nations goal to eliminate AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
Adequate investment from African governments is a key missing element in this global effort.
Africa needs to strengthen
This continent has the highest health and economic burden from HIV. There were about 25.6 million people Living with HIV in Africa in 2022.
However, funding for research and development remains woefully low.
17 years ago, African Union member states committed to spending 1% Percentage of gross domestic product devoted to research and development. By 2019, the continental average was only marginal. 0.42% – far below the world average 1.7%.
Not a single country in Africa has achieved the 1% target. South Africa, the continent's leader in R&D spending, has just 0.85% of GDP.
Three elements are critical for the success of an African-led HIV vaccine initiative: scientific and political leadership, domestic investment, and sustained community engagement.
African governments must prioritize funding for vaccine research and development as a public health imperative.
Additionally, empowering local researchers to lead vaccine development efforts can not only strengthen science but also build trust within the community.
Global partners have supported progress in HIV vaccine research and development in Africa. Organizations such as the United States National Institutes of Health HIV Vaccine Trial Network, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationand USAID It has contributed to strengthening clinical research infrastructure and testing capacity across the continent.
These collaborations have laid the foundation for high-quality research led by African scientists.
Future direction
Looking ahead, the continent's expanding vaccine manufacturing capacity holds promise for African-made HIV vaccines.
Recent developments in regional vaccine production facilities South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda It could be used to build a sustainable pipeline of HIV vaccines.
Such efforts would not only reduce dependence on external sources but also ensure vaccine development and equitable distribution.
Ending the HIV epidemic is an achievable goal, but it will require a concerted global effort. Existing prevention tools, such as long-acting injectable PrEP, are valuable but cannot replace the transformative potential of vaccines.
To meet this challenge, both international and African stakeholders need to step up efforts in HIV vaccine research and development.
These are Nelson Mandela's famous words.
It always seems impossible until you do it.
With bold leadership and continued investment, we can make an HIV vaccine a reality and move the world closer to ending AIDS.
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