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Woman with a beard says throwing away shaving is the best thing she has ever done


Alma Torres has PCOS and causes excessive hair growth (Photo:

Being a teenager is difficult enough. Throughout adolescence, address self-esteem issues and their associated judgments. All hormones rush around the body.

Imagine a beard growing with hormonal conditions.

Armatores, who had polycystic ovary syndrome at age 15, was now 27 years old.

She tried everything from shaving to bleaching, waxing, and even laser hair removal to get rid of excess hair that sprouted along the line of the jaw, but what stopped black hair from returning? There was no.

Eight years later she decided to quit the hair removal method and adopt a beard-and now she says this is the best thing ever for her.

Celebrating her four-year “beard symbol” living in the Bronx, New York, Alma shares her story to encourage others to embrace their physical differences.

After years of shaving, bleaching, waxing and laser treatment, Alma decided to grow a beard (Photo:

A full-time student said:’I learned to accept that I couldn’t change. It’s my favorite quote. That is what I live in. “

When he developed PCOS, Alma remembered his first grown-up dark facial hair at age 15. However, I couldn’t make a diagnosis until I had a blood test at the age of 18.

PCOS is a hormonal condition that affects the work of the ovaries. Common symptoms include irregular periods, weight gain and excessive hair growth. It can also cause infertility.

“I didn’t notice people making fun of my facial hair until my school guidance counselor asked me if I could take care of it.

Discarding shaving is the best thing she has ever done, students say (Photo:

“It changed everything for me. When I was 16 years old, I shave before my 8th grade prom and tried to get rid of my hair for the next 8 years.

When she was finally diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 18, she described it as “real slap” and became “very depressed”.

But over time, she learned to accept her condition and accepted the beard that came with it.

She was mainly inspired by HArnaam Kaur proudly wearing a PCOS beard..

“About one year after I diagnosed, at age 19, I became a defender of myself, because I had to do that,” Alma said. “I was really struggling from the beginning. Every time I tried to grow a beard, I shave it off a few days later.

“I saw Harnaam with a lot of beards, but she wasn’t ashamed of it.

Alma was initially worried about anxiety, but she learned to like her appearance (Photo:

I remember thinking “She doesn’t care-if she can do that, then I can!”

At the age of 23, Alma was able to repel razors, bleaches and wax strips and grow a natural beard.

At first I was aware, but I learned to not mind the thoughts of others.

Alma said:’I have been working hard to change my appearance, but I couldn’t. I started believing that I was going to be like this, so I stopped trying to change it.

“At first people would make cruel comments, and it really disappointed me. When I caught a person taking a picture of me who I thought I didn’t see, I became very aware. To do.

“I still have people taking pictures when I’m out, but I don’t care at all. I just turn around and look at them and they see what I’m doing I don’t care what you think.

She shares her story on Instagram to inspire others (Photo:

Alma is now sharing her story on Instagram Hoping to inspire others.

“Social media has allowed me to share my story and show people how they embrace what they can’t change.

“There are far more positive comments than negative ones, and there are also many women wrestling with PCOS who say they can help them by asking me for advice and watching Instagram.

“I want people to understand that every body is different. You don’t have to change it. You just love to love and learn to accept.

“That confidence is not something you can build overnight, it took me many years to reach this point! But you have to take it one at a time and believe in yourself ..

“Now I’m more confident in beards than ever before. Learning to accept my beard was arguably the best I’ve ever done.”

Do you have a story to share?

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