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Signature Checked Burberry Face Mask Made of “Antibacterial” Fabric


British fashion brands Burberry Designed the face mask for Coronavirus A pandemic made from fabric treated with “antibacterial technology”.

Cotton face mask is available in blue or beige version BurberryVintage plaid pattern.

Burberry face masks are made of plaid cotton

Is designed to cover the mouth and nose according to World Health Organization (WHO) RecommendationsA gently curved mask rises above the bridge of the nose and plunges around the cheeks.

The double-stitched element adds clarity to the face cover, with black elastic loops around the ears.

According to Burberry, the cotton fabric on the mask and the matching pouch that comes with it are treated with “antibacterial technology.” The antibacterial surface contains elements that suppress the growth of bacteria and mold, usually metal ions such as silver and copper.

Dezeen contacted Burberry to identify the type of antimicrobial material used in these particular masks.

Burberry face masks are made of plaid cotton

Antibacterial technology does not add protection from pandemics because coronaviruses are viral rather than bacterial diseases – but it keeps reusable face masks fresher and more hygienic, which moistens the mouth Nose is beneficial for environmentally worn accessories.

If you are wearing a non-medical cloth mask, WHO recommends that you wash your hands before putting on or removing the mask, and wash the mask between uses.

Fabric masks help reduce the spread of particles emitted by breathing and conversation. Increasing scientific evidenceCoronavirus, recognized by the WHO, suggests that it can be transmitted from person to person via airborne particles, as well as coughing and sneezing.

Many countries have introduced rules about wearing face covers in public spaces while maintaining social distance.

Burberry face masks are made of plaid cotton

Burberry will donate 20% of the profit from the face mask to the Burberry Foundation’s COVID-19 Community Fund.

Fashion brands also claim that masks are sustainable because they’re made from what Burberry described as a “revaluated” fabric, leaving the rest of the pattern cut or dead stock fabric that was wasted. Suggests that it may be made from.

Burberry was strongly criticized in 2018 when it was revealed The company had incinerated tens of millions of pounds of unsold product This is because there are no discounts or theft and they are not resold at low prices.

The brand announced that it will release more fabric options for Burberry face masks in the fall.

Designers have created attractive and practical covers when face covers have become a must in certain situations. Provided by jewelery designer Saskia Diez Mask attached to a necklace-like chain, And Petit Puri is making a mask that can Worn around the neck like a collar..

Adidas was one of the first major brands Release your own reusable face mask, The turnaround time the designer told Dezeen One of the fastest ever sportswear companies..

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