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Rendescivir disappointed in the COVID-19 study. Less likely to have breast milk


(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-caused disease COVID-19.

New questions about the efficacy of lemdecibir COVID-19

New research raises fresh questions about the effectiveness of Gilead Sciences (GILD.O) Antiviral drug lemdecivir in COVID-19 patients. A study published in JAMA on Friday yielded disappointing results from a randomized controlled trial of lemdecibir in 584 moderate COVID-19 patients hospitalized for pneumonia. The study reported that 10 days of drug administration did not have a statistically significant effect on the course of the disease 11 days after the start of treatment, compared to standard treatment without lemdesibir. The five-day remdesivir course made a statistically significant difference, but so small that researchers aren’t convinced it really matters. Although several other Gold Standard trials are still in progress, Erin McCreary and Derek Angus of the University of Pittsburgh wrote in the editorial published with this study, as important questions remain regarding the efficacy of lemdesibir. It was. They raised the question as to whether some patients would get more benefit from lemdesibir than others, and whether it would be important for patients to take lemdesibir and steroids together. They added that lemdecivir may still improve recovery in the millions of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, but they need further research before it becomes apparent. Remdesivir is currently marketed under emergency use license by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. Gilead has submitted an application for full FDA approval. (; ;

Breast milk is an unlikely cause of COVID-19 infection

New studies show that the new coronavirus is unlikely to be transmitted to infants through breast milk. The researchers analyzed 64 breast milk samples from 18 infected mothers. One sample contained inactive genetic material from the virus, but none contained active viral particles, the researchers reported at JAMA Wednesday. If milk is contaminated during milking and handling, the virus is inactivated by holder pasteurization, a standard process in human milk banks that heats milk to a specific temperature and then cools it. While the mother could theoretically do this herself, San Diego told Reuters that “as recommended hygiene” was the best approach, says Lars Board, a co-author of the University of California study. .. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keeps breastfeeding mothers confirmed for COVID-19 suspected, wearing cloth face covers while breastfeeding, and washing hands before touching children or pump or bottle components I advise you. ()

Maintaining indoor humidity to limit airborne coronaviruses

Keeping indoor humidity levels between 40% and 60% helps limit the airborne transmission of new coronaviruses by minimizing the presence of airborne infectious virus droplets, according to a new study .. The authors say that as the amount of water vapor in the air increases, the droplet size of the virus increases, making heavy droplets fall out of the air faster, making it less likely that other people will inhale them and become infected. It was In contrast, in low humidity, droplets containing the virus dries, but small infectious viral particles survive, float in the air for long periods of time, and fly further through the room, depending on ventilation conditions. Said in the aerosol magazine Air Quality Survey. Dry air also dries the mucous membrane of the nose, increasing the permeability of the virus. Authorities need to include the humidity coefficient in future indoor guidelines, said co-author Dr. Sumit Kumar Mishra of CSIR-National Institute of Physics in New Delhi in a press release. The results of the study are relevant, not just the cold winter climate, his team said. In tropical and hot climate countries, care must be taken to ensure that the rooms in the room do not dry out due to supercooling by the air conditioner. ()

Michigan Hospital Introduces Telemedicine Volunteers

Researchers say that people who used to be face-to-face volunteers now “virtual volunteer” in hospitals through telehealth, reducing the pressure on healthcare professionals and improving patient experience, It reduces the risk of viral infections and brings peace to patients and families. Journal Medical Humanities. They are asking hospitals to adapt medical volunteers to the coronavirus pandemic by rebuilding volunteer services and virtual platform support networks. For example, many hospitals have volunteers who provide educational services. Patients are currently losing access to these tutors. Zachary Pickel, a co-author of the University of Michigan research co-author who has led efforts to encourage virtual volunteers, told Reuters: “Recently, a virtual volunteer program to provide patient and family support to multiple departments of the University of Michigan Hospital Our early implementation shows increased engagement and a positive outlook.” ()

Open In external browsers of Reuters Graphics on vaccines and treatments under development.

Report by Nancy Rapid; Editing by Will Dunham


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