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Day care does not have to be a hotbed of COVID-19


August 24, 2020-According to new research, schools and daycare can be safely reopened in the midst of COVID-19, as long as the spread of the infection to the community is low.

According to a new study just released by the CDC and the Rhode Island Department, in Rhode Island, a state with relatively good control of COVID-19 outbreaks, when it reopened daycare earlier this summer, , The transmission of new infection was hardly seen. health.

By the end of May, the number of cases and hospitalizations in Rhode Island were well below expectations, and Governor Gina Raymond announced that the state could move confidently into a second phase, including the reopening of schools and daycare. ..

The nursery restarted in June. Introduced strict new guidelines to limit class size and prevent mixed groups of different children. Physical distance; mandatory masks for adults and teachers; daily symptom screening for children and adults; increased ventilation; rigorous cleaning and disinfection.

In total, about 19,000 children have returned to parenting. Older children were allowed to attend daycare in the summer of Rhode Island, so they ranged in age from baby to 12 years. Of the total, 101 children and adults were flagged as suspicious cases over a 2-month period, and 52 cases were confirmed by examination and symptoms, or possible cases were determined. Only 26 of the 891 programs allowed to resume reported cases of COVID-19. Most of them were single cases that did not spread elsewhere in the nursery. There were multiple cases in only 5 programs (15%), only 4 were likely future infections, and an infected child or adult coming to school infected someone else. No one was hospitalized or died as a result of the infection.

In one particular success, a 2-year-old child who attended day care for 6 days when he was potentially contagious did not infect the other 10 people who were in contact during that time.

It wasn’t smooth sailing. The daycare experience involved the care of 853 children and staff who had to be quarantined as part of the contact tracking process. That is, the school had to scramble to secure staff and parents had to take care of their children at home while the class was closed for 14 days.

But overall, the results were good news. Robert Redfield, MD, head of the CDC, trusted a school that adhered to safety precautions when screened by the Department of Health and Rhode Island Department of Health precautions in tracking suspicious cases.

However, it is not clear if cities and states suffering from increased community prevalence will get the same peace of mind. Most cases (75%) recorded in the Rhode Island Day Care Study occurred in mid-July to late July, when cases began to rise in the state.

“Schools are not islands themselves, they are connected to the communities that surround them,” Redfield said.

The percentage of COVID-19 tests that tested positive in Rhode Island was indicative of the spread of infection in the community, well below the national average, accounting for about 2%. Florida, Georgia, Idaho and Kansas now have a positive rate of over 10%. The positive rate in Mississippi is almost 30%.

“I think this is an example of a really successful way in a community with a low prevalence,” said Dr. Erin Sauber-Schatz, head of the CDC injury prevention department.


Robert Redfield, MD, CDC Director, Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Erin Sauber-Schatz, head of injury prevention at CDC

MMWR, August 21, 2020

© 2020 WebMD, LLC. all rights reserved.


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