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Wildfires in California: CA is trying to prevent COVID-19 from spreading among evacuees, says Health Secretary


San Francisco- Coronavirus The pandemic continues to threaten California’s health as the state focuses on another crisis, a large wildfire.

Dr. Marc Gurley of the California Department of Health and Human Services held a press conference at noon Tuesday to provide updates on state COVID-19 compliance. He also said the state focused on preventing the spread of the virus to the 136,000 people who had displaced their homes due to the spread of the fire.

According to Gurley, of the 136,000 evacuees, about 3,000 are in shelters and hotels. The collective shelter introduces temperature checks, mandatory masks, and physical distance protocols.

Relation: 2020 California fire season is 25 times worse than 2019, Governor Nusum says

For those who aren’t staying in shelters or hotel rooms, they admitted that many are staying with friends and family they haven’t seen in a long time. This further increases the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

“It’s not time to stay alert,” Gurley said. “Follow as many precautions as possible when staying with family and friends.”

This includes avoiding hugs. What people may need to survive the stress of a forest fire evacuation.

Relation: Gilroy man evacuated by fire at SCU Lightning Complex breaks into truck at hotel

“We learn and continue to learn that any activity or action that increases mixing among people who have not been together for quite some time poses a risk of infection,” Gurley said. He said California has done everything he can to try and mitigate that risk in evacuation areas, but still “there is an increase in transmission in those areas as we experience different conditions. But I wouldn’t be surprised.”

To date, 663,669 COVID-19 cases and 12,134 deaths have occurred in California.

But California seems to be making continued progress against the viral summer surge. The positive rate for 7 days is 5.7%. That number has slowed down steadily since it stagnated at around 7% over the first few weeks of June and July. Governor Newsom said Monday that statewide hospitalizations have also fallen by 20pc in the past two weeks.

As the number of coronaviruses declined, several counties were removed from the COVID-19 watch list, including Napa and Orange counties. Newtham said more counties could be removed from the list this week.

Watch list: 36 California counties where COVID-19 is deteriorating

The county must be removed from the watch list for two weeks before being allowed to consider reopening the school for face-to-face instruction.

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