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Widespread Millinocket wedding breakout calls for personal and business vigilance


It allegedly had little social distance and began with a wedding on August 7th, when most of the 65 attendees did not wear masks. In less than three weeks, at least 83 people associated with the wedding or its guests were positive for a COVID-19 test, including 18 people associated with York County prison, and one died ..

The rapid spread over hundreds of miles will prevent Governor Janet Mills and the director of the main CDC, Nilabshire, from causing self-satisfaction to state businesses and residents on Tuesday due to the low overall virus count of the main. The call to do was born. The pair stressed the need to be vigilant now, as it was in March when the first steps were taken to delay the onset of the disease.

The 83 lawsuits related to the Millinocket wedding and its reception included six at a Maplecrest Rehabilitation and Living Center in Madison, a 58-bed nursing home 100 miles away, with one of the staff at the wedding. I participated.

Staff members of York County Jail, more than 200 miles away, were also present, and 18 cases are currently associated with the wedding at the prison and the York County municipal complex. The York County outbreak is comprised of seven prisoners, nine prison officials, and two York County employees working at the facility. These cases are included in 83 related to weddings.

The Main CDC is also investigating an outbreak among firefighters in York County that has not been associated with a complex case in the county.

“What these outbreaks show-whether it’s a wedding, maple creest, or York County Jail Complex-is one of these recent examples… how aggressive this virus is. It shows how opportunistic and how quickly one can move from one community to another,” Shah said. Biweekly briefing on Tuesday.

“Even though those communities are miles apart and have multiple counties in between, what we learned about COVID-19 is that we invite at every wedding, party, or event in Maine. It means you can be a guest that isn’t done, and then it comes back with us.”

Wedding survey in progress

The Big Moose Inn, Cabins & Campgrounds Cited from the main CDC Last week, we exceeded our indoor gathering limit of 50 (65 wedding guests), and as needed, secured a 6-foot social distance and collected contact information from attendees. Because there wasn’t. Mr Shaw also confirmed at a briefing on Tuesday that investigation revealed that most guests did not wear protective masks.

Big Moose is the first business in the state to be cited as not complying with the state’s public health directives related to the pandemic. The citation requires consent to comply in the future, but there is no fine unless another violation.

A couple who had a wedding that was not publicly identified and the church where the wedding took place, the Tritown Baptist Church in East Millinocket, are not mentioned, but Shah said investigation is ongoing. Said.

Mr Shah said the link between the Millinocket outbreak and the York County outbreak was only determined early Tuesday.

“We’re in the process of being evaluated. We want to have the key elements to make sure we understand all the facts and fully understand them,” he said. “Given the number of cases currently associated with the outbreak, we are also focusing on mitigating proliferation.”

Steve Hewins, Executive Director of Hospitality ME, which represents more than 1,000 members of the state’s restaurant and accommodation industry, told Mainebiz that the majority of business owners follow the rules.

“This illustrates the importance of strict adherence to all protocols so that employees, guests and the general public are kept safe,” Hewins said Wednesday. “But this one case also overwhelmed the incredible work being done by thousands of restaurants and hotels across the state, keeping the number of main infectious diseases low, but during peak summer seasons. It is in full swing.”

The association, working with retailers and other affiliates, worked to allow further openings from late spring, emphasizing that restaurants and accommodations follow guidelines to prevent spreads like Millinocket.

The state offers a long checklist of public safety measures, and the hospitality industry also works with East Maine Community College to Free online safety training..

According to the study, “wearing a mask is not a matter of course” at weddings, Shah said. He also said the amount of information the venue provided to attendees was not determined, except for the fact that a sign wearing a mask was posted.

“We cannot be wary”

But Mills and Shah highlighted on Tuesday that one incident could have widespread consequences.

Mills said at a briefing on Tuesday that the fact that the majority of Maine’s individuals and businesses follow the rules keeps the number of cases in the state at the lowest level in the country. The 7-day positive rate in Maine among those tested is 0.74% compared to 7% nationwide.

“Now we can’t be wary,” Mills said. “I feel that in many countries the worst part of this pandemic is far away. I feel like they are in another country or another state,” “The spread here is just a possibility. Not reality.”

“A woman who has never attended a wedding or reception and has never interacted with anyone else at a wedding or reception was killed by the virus. One person, one contact Can ignite, the fire may not be able to be extinguished by us, it may overwhelm our health care system, people may lose their lives unknown.”

The CDC in Maine is also investigating outbreaks at Sanford, Buxton, and Saco fire stations, which share some members, said Sher. While in York County, they said so far the county jail and Millinocket outbreak were unrelated. He also confirmed, in response to reporters’ questions, that a minister of Sanford’s church was presenting at the Millinocket wedding.

Mr Shah said the spread from the wedding provides a glimpse of how quickly the outbreak will occur. Of the 60 cases related to weddings, 32 are people who attended the wedding or reception, 33 were people who did not attend but were in close contact, and 20 were people who were in close contact with secondary people.

A wedding guest infected a parent who contacted another child working at Maplecrest, where five, four residents, and one staff member were infected. “All this was revealed in two and a half weeks,” Shah said. “This is just one example of how quickly the virus can get from a wedding to a guest, a parent, another child, a nursing home.”

Mills and Shah emphasized that it is still important to wear a mask, keep a social distance, and stay home if possible, especially if you feel unwell.

“If you’re feeling sick, don’t go to work, considering the situation in York County and Sanford. The days when it’s heroic to catch a cold and spend your working hours are over. In the age of COVID-19, staying home when you’re sick is the most heroic thing you can do.”

“We need to spend our days as if a virus is everywhere around us,” Shah said.

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