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Children can carry coronaviruses in their noses for 3 weeks and quietly spread the disease


According to one study, children can carry coronaviruses in their noses for up to 3 weeks.

A South Korean report found that, based on 91 children, the virus could be found in the nose for up to 3 weeks, with no or little symptoms.

The authors of the report suggest that children can pass Covid-19 to others and explain how it spreads silently.

Of the 91 children included in the study, 20 had no apparent symptoms and remained asymptomatic throughout the study.

Another 18 children were presymptomatic. In other words, at that time, he did not look or feel bad, but later on, he had symptoms.

Coronavirus was detected for an average of 14.1 days in the throat and nose of asymptomatic children and 17.6 days in symptomatic children.
(Image: Getty Images)

However, a total of 71 people showed symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of smell and taste.

“In this series of case studies, invisible infections in children may be associated with silent COVID-19 infections in the community,” said a researcher at Seoul National University School of Medicine.

They stressed the importance of contact tracking to isolate children as soon as possible so they would not spread Coronavirus In the community.

Experts say the study is worried because children may spread the coronavirus in their community
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Children tested at 22 hospitals across Korea were monitored for 21 days and the virus was detected for approximately two and a half weeks.

However, at least half of these symptoms showed signs of the virus for up to 3 weeks.

Asymptomatic, the average time to detect coronavirus in the test was 14.1 days. In the symptomatic case, the average was 17.6 days.

Dr. Roberta De Biasi and Dr. Meghan Delaney of Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, wrote an editorial on the study.

“This emphasizes the concept that infected children are more likely to go unnoticed with or without symptoms and continue normal activity, contributing to viral circulation within the community.

Dr. Roberta Deviation
(Image: © Children’s National)

“This suggests that even mildly to moderately affected children have long-lasting symptoms.”

As revealed in another study No healthy child died of this disease in the UK..

The study found that the 6 deaths that occurred were deaths, a serious illness or underlying illness.

In the world’s largest study of children hospitalized at Covid-19, researchers investigated characteristics of hospitalized and severely adolescents.

Study will be conducted when children return to school in England next week
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

It was found that less than 1% of patients admitted to 138 hospitals in the UK were children.

They stressed that the risk of minors being admitted to a hospital was “small” and the risk of requiring emergency medical care was “smaller”.

Despite a low overall number, teams are likely to need critical care support in the hospital, including newborns under a month, children 10-14 years old, black children, and obese children I have identified my child.

They were able to identify a “cluster” of symptoms associated with the hyperinflammatory response to Covid-19 found in a small number of children-which is a bit different from what is currently known in the medical community. ..

Six children died in the study, all of whom had “serious comorbidities.” This means that you have multiple conditions or diseases at the same time.

“Serious illness is rare and death is rare,” said Calum Semple, a professor of child health and developmental medicine at the University of Liverpool.

“They should be convinced that their children will not be directly harmed by returning to school, and we will not be harmed if they are removed from school because of the lack of educational opportunities. I know that it affects your mental health.”


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