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Deputy Chief Medical Officer addresses concerns about opening a school in an open letter


Dr. Ronan Grin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, sent an open letter to parents and parents of Irish school children prior to the opening of schools across the country.

In a letter, Dr. Grin reviewed the scientific evidence behind the decision to open school, while admitting the concerns people have about returning to school.

He said Covid-19’s risks were weighed against the harm that could be caused by continued school closures.

“Schools play a fundamental role in children’s social lives. They teach children, make friends, share interests, learn social skills such as confidence and empathy, and engage in sports and cultural activities. Is the place to participate in,” he said.

He said there is no zero-risk option to reopen school, and there are cases of Covid-19 among children in the coming days and weeks.

“But if this happens, the HSE public health team will be in place to ensure that all relevant measures are taken to protect other students and school staff by being in close contact with the schools involved. I will.”

Dr. Grin reiterated the importance of public health measures such as physical distance, hand washing and respiratory hygiene.

He also thanked parents and guardians for keeping their children and communities safe and also “worked hard to ensure that our school was ready to reopen.” I thanked the staff.

The letter says:

For parents of Irish schoolchildren

We all know that many are concerned about the reopening of schools and the associated risks of Covid-19 for children. This concern is natural and well to be expected six months after everyone had to adapt to the challenges presented by Covid-19.

The decision to reopen the school has not been understated and is based on guidance produced by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC). Scientific evidence of the risk of Covid-19 in schoolchildren and staff; experience in other countries that did not close or reopen school. Our own experience of reopening daycare and summer camps since June. Evidence of the importance of schools for the overall health and well-being of children.

International evidence indicates that school-to-child and child-to-adult transmission of Covid-19 in schools is uncommon. Moreover, our own experience in Ireland, and indeed the internationally reported experience, show that the symptoms are mild for the overwhelming majority of children diagnosed with Covid-19. ..

The importance of schools for the overall health and well-being of children cannot be overstated. Covid-19’s risks are also carefully weighed against the actual harm that can be caused by continued school closures. Schools play a fundamental role in the social life of children. A place for children to be educated, make friends, share interests, learn social skills such as confidence and empathy, and participate in sports and cultural activities.

Of course, as we continue on our path to this pandemic, there is no zero-risk option for restarting school or another environment. Therefore, the objective is to ensure that all appropriate public health measures, such as physical distance, hand washing, respiratory hygiene, etc., are implemented in the right place, and to resume in the safest possible way.

Schools are at the heart of the community, and the best way to protect them is to keep them low on Covid-19. As parents and parents, you can play an important role in this both through your own actions and their impact on your family and friends. If we all continue to make small changes to our way of life, we can-together-starve the virus of this infection opportunity.

If you only have a runny nose or sneeze, you can send your child to school or daycare, but if you have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste, smell-and then speak to the GP on the phone. Please leave it at home. See / backtoschool and for more information.

Because of this outbreak to date, Covid-19 cases will occur among children over the next few days and weeks. However, if this occurs, the HSE public health team will be in close contact with the corresponding school to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect other students and school staff.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for helping us keep our families and communities safe over the last seven months. We would also like to thank all the teachers, principals and school staff who worked hard to ensure that our school could resume. This is just one example of the incredible solidarity that has defined the way people across the country have come together to fulfill their role in overcoming this pandemic.

Dr. Ronan Grin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health.

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