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Experts warn that singing Happy Birthday increases the risk of COVID-19 infection


According to a new study, COVID-19 could be sent when singing a Happy Birthday song. Aerosol scientists at Lund University in Sweden were studying the singers who sang different songs and the number of particles released when they sang. They investigated the effect of COVID-19 on infection.

They ask 12 healthy singers and 2 of COVID-19 to sing into the funnel and understand the number of viral particles released when singing. As a result, singing a song with a lot of consonants, such as a happy birthday song, spreads a lot of droplets that can mix in the air.

The researchers say that wearing masks, social distances, and good ventilation can reduce the risk of singing infections.

According to existing guidelines, people should wash their hands as long as there are two Happy Birthday songs, as long as it is the best time to make sure that the germs are completely removed.

Forcast Sean

(Photo: Getty Images)
BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA-DEC 2: Kelly Roland® celebrates with CÎROC on December 2, 2017 on the birthday of forecast caston Sean Didy Combs, Fergie, and Meghan Trainer host DJ Caled. Sing Happy Birthday to DJ Khaled (L) announced by Fox. Beverly Hills, California. (Photo of Ciroc by Jerritt Clark / Getty Images)

COVID-19 and song

Researchers found that their research idea was related to the chorus singing connections. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing.. Since then, various restrictions have been introduced around the world to make singing voices safer, says Jakob Löndahl, associate professor and research author of aerosol technology.

However, there is no scientific research on how much aerosol particles and large droplets are inhaled when someone sings. Co-author of the PhD student, Marin Alsved, says that some aerosols are large enough to move only a few decimeters from their mouth, while others are small, floating in the air for a few minutes.

That said, understanding the risks associated with singing in a group can help COVID-19 Super spreader The event is created.

Researchers say there’s a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, so there’s no need to silence singing. They recommend implementing health guidelines set by governments and health authorities, including social distances, good hygiene, and proper ventilation to reduce the concentration of aerosol particles in the air.

They also added that wearing face masks can also make a difference in preventing and reducing the spread of potentially infectious droplets. Löndahl said that when the singer wears a face mask, it captures most of the aerosols and splashes and drops to levels comparable to normal speech.

Also read: Talking loudly, more than 1,000 particles of coronavirus can spread in the air for 14 minutes: a study

Singing Happy Birthday has the greatest risk of COVID-19 infection

Research published in journals Aerosol science and technology, Especially when pronounced the letters “B” and “P”, the pronunciation of consonants emits very large particles, he said.

Researchers called on the singer to wear a clean air suit and enter a specially made chamber containing filtered, particle-free air. The researchers then breathed, spoke different singing styles, and analyzed the number and mass of aerosols released by each singer during a face mask singing experiment.

The singer sang a short Swedish song full of B and P: Bibbis pippi Petter. This song was repeated 12 times within 2 minutes at a constant pitch.

After that, the song was repeated, but now there are no consonants. Researchers say that singing is dangerous because songs that contain multiple consonants produce lots of droplets.

In addition, the researchers said they measured the aerosol using a lamp, a high-speed camera, and a special device that could measure very small aerosols.

They also found that the louder the singer sang, the higher the concentration of aerosols and droplets. They also pointed out that aerosols from people with COVID-19 may still pose a risk of infection when singing.

read more: COVID-19 Super Spreader: New study shows coronavirus is twice as infected as previously thought

Check out other news and information COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Science Times.

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