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Knife block disinfects utensils with UV light and high-tech home cooking dryer


In theory, UV lights should help disinfect knives and dishes • Clean looking • Really easy to use

The cost may outweigh the potential benefits for many people • It should work, but there is no real way to really know

It’s a pretty clean product, but it may not be for the average home cook.

Given the deadly and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is a safe assumption that we all pay a little attention to cleanliness and hygiene best practices. It makes sense for people to want to keep their knives and kitchen utensils cleaner than usual.

Personally, I used to be almost indifferent to bacteria and illnesses. Crowded trains, eating food dropped on the floor, dirty diving bars-hell, even the flu season concept — None worried me. Today, like most of us, I have masks and hand sanitizers, and if I can help, I avoid approaching many people at once.

of For knives and tableware released at IndieGogo in August. Well, for the sake of clarity, I’m not suggesting that Hookee is a product aimed at fighting COVID-19 — in fact, it’s A relatively unlikely knife, Will give you a virus in your own home. On the contrary, it is a product that aims for excessive cleanliness of boundaries in a world that emphasizes it.

I’ve tested the Hooky Knife Guard and it’s decent, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s something to buy for my home. Here’s how Hookee’s products work: Remove the dirty knife or dish, wash it with soap / water (as usual), and then slide the Hookee knife guard. From there, a knife guard that senses wet utensils comes to life, completely disinfecting the dishes with UV light, and then completely drying at temperatures up to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s a relatively quick and painless process. There is no learning curve at all.

And, at least in appearance, the product works. I actually used it only for knives or large dishes. Instead I put it in the dishwasher as usual. After inserting the knife, Fookie became breathtaking and immediately a bluish light shined from above. Of course I didn’t have a real way know As it claims, Knife Guard killed 99.9 percent of bacteria and bacteria. But in theory, that should work.

So UV light-when applied correctly-is effective in repelling bacteria and basically breaks down the harmful DNA to prevent its spread. I called an expert, , Professor of Environmental and Industrial Hygiene, Faculty of Public Health, Rutgers University, talking about Fooky Knife Guard.

Simply put, Laskin, as I said, should help sterilize knives and other cookware if the product works as described. However, he added that simple washing and drying usually works, so it may look like a fairly specific product.

“It’s a very niche, because few people are very keen on sterilizing kitchen utensils other than putting a washing machine in,” Dr. Ruskin said. “And bacteria don’t like being in the air, so if you wash them by hand, stick them out and let them air dry, you’ll probably kill a lot of bacteria, but some people want to buy something like this. I think that there [this].. “

Worth it, Dr. Ruskin also warned against looking at UV lights correctly.

Imagine having a buyer for a hooky knife guard. Many people are screaming, especially when dealing with raw meat. For example, if you want more peace of mind after chopping raw chicken, slide the washed knife into the Fooky Knife Guard. It will be a good precaution against bacteria that you may have missed with the sponge. Also, sponges have proven to be terrible, It can also serve as a breeding ground for certain bacteria..

My hooky knife guard, disinfect.

My hooky knife guard, disinfect.

Image: Tim Martin / Mashable

Most knives are hand-washed anyway — it’s a quick process — and hooks are an easy way to hide it after washing And Allow the utensil to dry completely to prevent rust.

Hooky is also elegant on the counter. The model I tested was white with gray slats for placing cookware. It wasn’t particularly beautiful or anything, but it didn’t look out of place in any modern kitchen. All-in-all It’s a decent way to store knives While Also clean them.

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The Hooky Knife Guard has not been fully deployed yet, Buy $ 84 at Indiegogo Or Kick starter.. The site promises to ship by November.

Now, about the $ 84 question: Would you recommend buying? I’m not sure. Probably not buy. Not because I hated the product itself, but because I’ve been cooking for years and the cleaning procedure was fine. I very Be careful while cooking and never get secondary pollution, but I still feel that $ 84 is likely to reach the Fooky Knife Guard for me. But if it gives you peace of mind, hell, I don’t judge anyone who came up with it.

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