Covid-19: Why the New Coronavirus Is a Social Media Nightmare
New York: The biggest reputational risk Facebook and other social media companies predicted in 2020 was the fake news surrounding the US presidential election. The threat of misinformation, whether from a foreign or domestic source, was well known and probably appeared manageable.
However, the new coronavirus has caused a completely different problem. The life-threatening consequences of conspiracy theories about possible treatments, misleading claims, snake oil marketing, and outbreaks.
So far, AFP has uncovered about 200 rumors and myths about the virus, but experts say more information from tech companies has been used to discourage incorrect information and the potential for online spread. States that strong action is needed.
Professor David Land, a brain and cognitive science expert at MIT Sloan School of Management, explained to AFP how users explain prejudice against content, or that most online decisions are made I think it will be highly appreciated or shared.
One of the reasons is that social media algorithms are tuned to appeal to someone’s habits and interests. The emphasis is on favorability, not accuracy. To change this, companies such as Facebook and Twitter need to change what is displayed on the screen.
Rand, a co-author of a study of Covid-19 misinformation published earlier this month, needs a prompt to encourage users to consider the accuracy of the content that is prevalent on social networks.
Fatal consequences
The study found that false claims were shared simply because people failed to think about whether the content was reliable, using controlled tests with over 1,600 participants .
In a second test, the level of truthfulness more than doubled when people were encouraged to consider the accuracy of what they shared.
The report concluded that this approach from social media companies (known as “accurate nudge intervention”) could limit the spread of false information.
“These are like bringing the notion of accuracy to the head of people,” Rand said, pointing out that the news feed is instead filled with users’ own content and commercial advertising.
“Social networking companies may be concerned about accurate warnings that degrade the user experience because they expose users to content they don’t want to see. Take this seriously.”
Undoubtedly, incorrect information about the new coronavirus was fatal. The United States, France and other scientists are working to promote effective treatment, but many countries have made false reports.
In Iran, a fake treatment of taking methanol has reportedly killed 300 people and left even more illness.
Dr. Jason McKnight, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A & M University Primary Care and Population Health School, said that sharing false information has more than the direct risks of the virus itself.
“I have posted posts related to unproven ‘treatment’, have not been proven or are filled with a lot of misleading information, have used techniques to prevent exposure or infection, and have identified Have seen the instructions for buying. “He said.
McKnight highlighted two dangers posed by incorrect information about the virus. That is, “it can cause fear and panic” and “individuals can do harmful things to” cure “or” prevent “the disease.
“Immediate positive impact”
Facebook has blamed Russia for interference in the 2016 US elections. Facebook, accused of ignoring the allegations at Capitol Hill, acknowledged the following year that up to 10 million Americans had seen ads purchased by a Russian shadow agency. Company CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the growing evidence of how Russia used Facebook to seed the department.
Facebook has placed trusted coronavirus information at the top of the news feed and stepped up efforts to remove harmful content, including the use of third-party fact checkers.
Zuckerberg also said earlier this month that the public health crisis was an easier area to set policies and treat suspicious content harder than politics.
AFP and other media companies, including Reuters and The Associated Press, have partnered with Facebook’s fact-checking program so that falsely rated content is downgraded in news feeds so fewer people can see it . When someone tries to share such a post, an article appears that explains why the information is incorrect.
However, a Facebook spokesman declined to comment on the possibility of adding accurate prompts to the platform.
In a statement to AFP, a Twitter spokesman did not say whether the company would consider using prompts.
“Our goal was to give everyone on our service access to reliable and reliable health information,” he said.
“We shifted our focus and priorities and worked extensively with organizations such as WHO, the Ministry of Health of many countries, and a wide range of public health authorities.”
Covid-19’s investigation of misinformation reflects past tests of political false news, and in particular, reminders about accuracy are an easy way to improve choices about what people share Will be.
“Accurate nudges are easy to implement on top of other approaches currently being taken by social media platforms and can quickly have a positive effect on stopping the flow of false information about Covid-19 outbreaks The authors have concluded. ” — AFP
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