Failure of local lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 indicates that national measures do not work, experts argue
According to experts, the failure of the local blockade imposed on people across Britain to stop the spread of Covid-19 shows that national measures do not work.
The region that spans the northwestern and northeastern parts of England has been restricted due to the ever-increasing number of cases of the virus.
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Areas like Bolton Closed earlier this month Due to spikes in some cases.
At the beginning of the month, the number of cases jumped to 120 per 100,000, the highest rate in the country.
Incidents in the area continue to grow to 200 per 100,000, despite restrictions on the town’s inhabitants.
Another example of northern England Oldham, This was one of the first areas placed under a local blockade after Leicester.
Lester Bars and restaurants were put under regulation on June 30, just days before they could be reopened in other parts of the country.
Oldham was then placed under a local blockade on 31 July, and less than a month later, on 22 August, a further ban on household mixing in the area.
Despite the limited area, Oldham has recorded 139 cases per 100,000 population.
Professor Karl Hennegan, director of the Oxford University Evidence-Based Medical Center, said the area is a good example of a local blockade that “had no effect.”
Talk to Telegraph “Attempting to reduce numbers during the summer can have the opposite effect of increasing the sensitive population into the winter.
“We are currently rising nationwide along with the seasonal consequences of returning to school and college. All of these are highly predictable and against circulating respiratory pathogens each year. happen.”
During the summer months, regulations were relaxed across the UK, opening the door to beauty salons and even cinemas.
The government also encouraged people to return to the office, and children also began attending school.
Leicester was the first blockade area, and some areas, such as Audby and Wigston, are still struggling to manage the incident.
By mid-August, Leicester had 27 cases per 100,000 people each week, but by mid-September it had increased to 90 cases per 100,000 people each week.
Measures were then imposed, which meant that people could not mix with people they did not live with.
Looking at northern England and areas such as Salford, Tameside and Rochdale, deregulation has not been seen since the end of July, and cases are rising again in these areas.
The number of cases in Salford increased from 20 per 100,000 in July to 117 per 100,000 per week in September.
Rochdale has 124 cases per 100,000 cases, according to the latest PHE data.
Robert Dingwall, a professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University, said government attention should be directed to vaccines rather than local blockades.
“Don’t give great confidence” that the announced measures will be successful, he said.
“Rumors of household meetings are banned, but there is no better evidence beyond the desire to be seen as” wanting to do something. ” “
Currently in the UK, six rules apply. This means that groups of 6 people from 6 different households can interact outdoors or outdoors.
Face masks or covers must be worn by public transport and must be worn by both shop staff and shoppers.
What was revealed today Minister can put northwest and London under further restrictions..
All pubs and restaurants have been ordered to be closed for two weeks, and there are various households banned from socializing indoors in an emergency plan.
An increase in tests in the hotspot area indicates an increase in cases.
However, some areas that were blocked and later released were later told that the restrictions had been re-established.
One example is Bolton. This was the worst hit area in a country that was deregulated on September 2, and was re-imposed a few hours later.
According to the latest PHE data, Bolton has 201 infectious diseases per 100,000 people.
Burnley was released from local lockdown at the beginning of the month and returned to regulation on September 18, a few weeks later.
On September 22, regulations were introduced in areas such as Calderdale, Bradford, Kirkley’s in West Yorkshire, and Hyndburn, Preston, and Pendle in Lancashire and Blackpool.
“The intervention had no observable effect on mortality,” added Sam Williams of Economic Insight, adding that case data should be carefully reviewed.
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