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The best face mask to use for 2020 running


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In the continuation ofCOVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears mask Many people find that gyms and fitness centers are slow to reopen due to regulations in most states. Exercise outside With mask..

For runners, it is advisable to invest in high quality masks.You probably know how unpleasant you are running with a mask that wasn’t Made specially for exercise Can-For example, surgical masks can easily get wet and smell.

While running two miles, I wore each of the face masks listed here to test my performance. I’ve completed 24 miles so far, but I still have masks to try-who says writing is a sedentary job?

Anyway, whether you are wearing mask It’s up to you to exercise outside State COVID-19 regulation). For those who want or have to wear a mask while running, here’s a list of what we’ve found to be the best face masks for that.

These athletic masks Medical grade mask Not guaranteed Protects you from coronavirus.. However, such masks are worth wearing because they can reduce the spread of breathing particles when exercising in public.

I have divided the list into two sections. First, I will write about the top 5 face masks to run out of the 12 masks I have tested so far. Next, I will write about the remaining seven. It’s worth buying for runners and other activities.

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5 face masks perfect for running

During the test, the following five masks stood out for a variety of reasons, but they all have one thing in common. They mean I didn’t inhale my running more exponentially than usual.


I love. this. mask. I had to put particular emphasis on it, so you know exactly how much I love this mask. I want to shout from the roof how much I like this mask. Alright, it springs up. The specifications are as follows: The AthletaMade to Move Mask is a soft, non-medical mask made of polyester, spandex and mesh. That alone shows how light and breathable this mask is.

Made to Move Mask features two layers of fabric and a very soft and adjustable ear strap. The mask also features a semi-rigid but flexible nose band to keep everything in place. You can also secure the optional head strap and use it in place of the ear strap to prevent ear pain.

While running, this mask didn’t stop all the time and I didn’t feel any breathing problems at all times (apart from the normal strenuous breathing that occurs during the run).

Buff USA

Lightweight, breathable, wicking, adjustable: this product is everything you need for a running face mask. The Buff USA Filter Mask is made of 95% polyester and 5% elastane (spandex) for perfect stretch.

It also features a wide elastic head strap for easy adjustment. The same mechanism as the adjustment of the bra strap is adopted. We found that the wider straps hold more tightly than the thin straps on other masks.

This mask technically requires the use of a filter, which I don’t like very much, but can be excluded at any time. Without a filter, it may not be effective in reducing the spread of Camii particles.

Mission Max

If you are more Neck gaiters People go together Mission cooling gaiters / face cover To do. I don’t know exactly how this works, but it’s like sweating and turning it into cold steam. I was totally hoping to hate this neck gaiters, but when I realized I wasn’t in a sweaty mess, it quickly became one of my favorite running face masks.

The description of the product says, “It is activated by water and becomes 30 ° F lower than the average body temperature”, and I think that sweat functions as water. I had a problem with this neck gaiter slipping off a little, but I had a friend try it, so it wasn’t a problem, so my head may be small.

Beyond yoga

The Beyond Yoga face mask was very close to the Atleta mask for me. One factor that kept this mask out of the way from the beginning? Head strap. All of the Beyond Yoga masks are great for running, but I struggled with the straps.

This mask has two ties and should be fixed behind the head. I kept my hair entwined in my tie and took several trials to fix my hair in the way I fixed the mask.

The mask is fully elastic and is very good at sweating, but it compensates for the intricate straps. Now that you’re ready to work, another set will allow you to do more workouts with less cleaning. In addition, once the strap is secured, you can keep the strap tied until you wash the mask.


Since Zensah manufactures all kinds of performance clothing and accessories, athletic face masks have naturally been added to the brand’s products. I loved this mask mainly because of its fit: it felt snug, but there were no restrictions. The seams on the mask stuck to my face, but there was a space between my nose, lips and the fabric inside.

Silver is embedded in the fabric of the Zensah mask (the fabric is 2% silver). Silver has some antibacterial properties.. However, you should wash this face mask after use to disinfect it.

Zensah masks weren’t perfect for sweating. At the end of my two-mile run, it was definitely damp than the other top four face masks for running, but it still worked pretty well. I think this mask can use some adjustment mechanism. It’s perfect for me, but I could see the non-adjustable head strap causing problems for others.

Also tested

The following masks are also suitable running, They weren’t my favorite. For each, I’ll explain why and what’s good instead.


These masks are incredibly soft and comfortable, but may be suitable for light and inelastic activities such as walking and hiking. It doesn’t sweat and fits comfortably, making it ideal for use in the hot season.


Kitsbow’s reusable masks are very fashionable and comfortable-no HEPA filters attached. The extra filter sounds like a good idea, but I had a hard time breathing it with a mask during the run. I took the HEPA filter out two miles and felt better. The nose band of this mask is highly adjustable and can be fixed in place.


This mask is so thick that it should only be worn for exercise in the colder months. It’s definitely a high quality mask, but it’s not suitable for running outside in hot summer weather. Even if your mask duty is still winter, you’ll know where to look.


The Fila mask is great, but it’s made of 100% cotton, so it’s not suitable for running or strenuous exercise. Cotton can quickly get soaked in sweat, but this mask is great for yoga and other low-intensity workouts.

Wrap costume

I love this mask, but I can’t run. Lapcos face masks are made of stretchy, soft, quick-drying material, but they feel quite dark while running. I tried it while increasing the weight and it became one of my favorites. I think this is because I sweated during strength training. This is partly because they are indoors and partly because of less intense activities. This mask is recommended if you plan to return to the gym.


This mask was actually perfect for execution, except for one important factor. For me, the head strap didn’t work. The masks didn’t fit exactly, so it was basically useless while I was running. However, Myant Endura Mask is made of lightweight and breathable material, so if it suits you, it’s an amazing running mask.

Ari Jogiel

This is another stylish mask to wear in town for reuse, but it probably won’t be my running rotation. It’s comfortable to wear, but it’s thick, so it’s not as breathable as other tops.

Details for runners

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.

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