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Drink coffee after breakfast, especially if you have poor sleep at night. According to a survey ::


— Strong coffee after sleep deprivation is a kickstart that many people need in the morning, but new research suggests that a sip may be best to eat first.

According to one study, drinking coffee first can adversely affect glycemic control, a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease.

Professor James Betts, professor and co-director of the center, said, “We know that almost half of us get up in the morning and drink coffee before doing anything else. In a press statement, Nutrition at the University of Bath, UK, For exercise and metabolism.

“Up until now, we had limited knowledge of what this is doing to our body, especially with regard to metabolism and blood sugar control.”

For their study, researchers at the University of Bath enrolled 29 healthy men and women in three different overnight experiments, at least one week apart.

First, participants were asked to sleep normally at night from 11 pm to 7 am and to have a sweet drink when waking up in the morning.

After that, they experienced a night sleep disorder. There, researchers awakened them every hour for five minutes by sending them a text message that they had to respond to-and were given the same sweet drink when they awoke.

Another night, participants experienced the same sleep disorder, but this time they were first given strong black coffee 30 minutes before drinking a sweet drink.

Glucose drinks reflected the same amount of calories as a typical breakfast.

They found that overnight sleep deprivation did not exacerbate participants’ blood sugar and insulin responses compared to normal night sleep-in previous studies, how many hours of sleep were lost, It has been suggested that nights of sleep deprivation can be detrimental.

However, drinking strong black coffee before breakfast significantly increased the glycemic response by about 50%. This suggests that relying on coffee to get rid of drowsiness after a bad night can limit the body’s ability to withstand the sugar in breakfast.

“Most breakfasts are rich in carbohydrates (often sugar), so it’s fair to suggest that the same effect lasts with other typical breakfast foods,” he said.

“Of course, if you eat a breakfast low in carbohydrates, especially sugar, it will certainly reduce (or eliminate) the spikes in blood sugar you see after eating.”

One encouraging take-away from the study was that nights with sleep disorders had less effect on your metabolic control, he said.

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He said it might be wise not to drink strong coffee within an hour before a carb-rich breakfast. The team used black coffee in the experiment, but he said the same effect was likely to be seen with latte and flat white.

“Milk would have complicated the comparison by providing additional nutrients,” he said. “The physiological effects of caffeine are so strong that I think caffeine itself would have the same effect if it contained milk,” he said in an email.

Whether coffee is good for you is one of the big medical debates. A large review of the scientific literature on coffee, published in the British Medical Journal in 2017, found that drinking three to four cups of black coffee a day provided the most overall health benefits.

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