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Eating more may be the key to weight loss

Eating more may be the key to weight loss


Eating more calories than burning can cost your scale a few pounds extra, but experts have shown that eating more can be the key to weight loss.

It’s a well-known fact that to lose weight, you need to burn less calories than you burn with exercise.

Maintaining a balanced diet can be difficult, but experts said overeating can be as bad as overeating.


Maintaining a balanced diet can be difficult, but experts said overeating can be as bad as overeating.Credits: Getty-Contributors

But the food you eat and the amount you eat also has to do with whether you can be successful on your scale.

One expert talked to the sun and said that overeating can be as harmful to health as overeating.

Food Science and Nutrition Specialist Human foodEmma Bullock-Lynch said that people who are already underweight are at risk of additional health problems by continuing to eat too much.

“Starving the body of food is more complicated than simply starving the body of calories.

“This can include a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals, as well as the proteins and fats that our body uses to function.”

Another expert added that it was more about the type of food you eat than the amount.

Marion Lepka, an expert Swiss Me “Healthy nutrition is related to the type of food you are eating, not the amount. Low eating means that you start to lack certain basic essential nutrients to stay healthy. Means

“Proper division of micronutrients in terms of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is the key to good health and wellness.

“Macros are found in many nutritional products, such as smoothies that contain extra protein.”

Know the signs

Emma said there are some warning signs that overeating isn’t helping you lose weight.

“When you deprive your body of such nutrients, your brain functions change and your body goes into an energy-saving mode, clearly showing cold sensations, signs of bad skin, poor digestion and metabolism, and low heart rate. Has predictable physical effects in. Decrease in essential hormones.

“This can lead to further complications, such as increased susceptibility to illness and infections, which can lead to extreme fatigue.

“The longer the body is starved, the more obvious and serious these effects are.

“A serious side effect of severe binge eating is a weakening of the heart followed by an arrhythmia, which causes the heart to be inefficient, not pumping enough blood around the body, and damaging the brain and other organs. Means. “

If you eat too much, your training and exercise routines can be more difficult


If you eat too much, your training and exercise routines can be more difficultCredits: Getty-Contributors

This can also lead to ineffective workouts as your heart must work harder to keep up with the physical demands you place on yourself.

If you overeat, you may find it difficult or dull to complete your normal routine.

Talk to The Sun, co-founder of a women’s gym Strong Her, Tig Hodson said that eating habits can also affect performance in the gym.

She states: “Many people wonder why things don’t change after a lot of training. Nine out of ten are related to overeating as well as overeating nutrition.

“In relevant terms, think of yourself as a car. If you don’t have petrol, how do you expect it to work and function properly? It’s not correct.

Fuel your body

“So why is your body different? To fuel your workouts and see the changes, it’s essential to get the right amount of food for your body.

“It’s not as easy as eating less, doing more, and seeing the results. It’s important to eat the right one to improve performance and see progress. 2

Pilates Instructor and Founder Pilates PT, Holly Grant said overeating is useless when you’re trying to exercise.

“If you don’t supply enough fuel to your body, your body will start to destroy muscle, not fat, so if someone’s goal is to increase their strength, they’re broken and this is slow. You will notice that you start to lower muscles and therefore reduce their increase in strength.

Experts say you may feel more lethargic and unable to carry out your workouts


Experts say you may feel more lethargic and unable to carry out your workouts Credits: Getty-Contributors

“Because it can ruin your metabolism, you may start gaining weight as your metabolism slows down and calories burned at rest decreases, so when your body then eats I don’t know what to do, so I start to retain most of my fat. “

Holly added that eating too much can weaken your immunity-this doesn’t help if you’re trying to improve your fitness level.

She added: “You may feel lethargic because you may feel tired without fuel.

“This doesn’t help much when you’re trying to exercise. This will reduce your output in your workout, or the amount you want to go to the gym,” she added.

Behavioral changes

Emma added that overeating people also express behavioral changes.

“One of the most obvious is the change in craving for fat and sugar-rich foods.

“Studies show that cravings can’t be managed until you’re able to eat enough nutrients and calories and return to a healthy weight.

“To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly and to eat enough food to maintain optimal health.”

Experts have previously suggested that unhealthy dietary patterns can lead to weight gain.

A report from The New England Journal of Medicine recently revealed that men who lost weight after extreme calorie cuts and dietary restrictions were at increased risk of metabolic imbalances and hormonal disruptions-this is a strict regime. It was even higher for women who followed.

Tummy rumbling

Talk to nutritionist Sun Grace Pascoe Improve He said skipping meals may sometimes be routine if you are living a busy life.

She says that the effects of skipping a single meal do not have a significant negative impact on your health, but if you miss them regularly, they can have serious negative effects on your body and mind. Said.

“You may have experienced the feeling of” hungry “when you’re hungry, but few people know why it happens.

“When fueling the body in its most basic form and usage. Cutting a meal or refraining from eating the correct calorie intake basically burns the stored energy into the body. It will be.

Eating regularly can help reduce hunger


Eating regularly can help reduce hungerCredits: Getty-Contributors

“Eating regularly keeps you alert and motivated, turns complex carbohydrate-rich foods into glucose, and maintains your blood sugar levels.”

Grace added that if you miss a meal, your body begins to run out of glucose storage, resulting in lower energy, less concentration, and more irritation. Therefore, at first glance, the feeling of “hunger” erupts.

She states: “Over time, if your body doesn’t produce the energy it needs from food, your hormones will start to move.

“Ghrelin, which induces appetite, and leptin, which suppresses appetite, work together to let the body know that they are hungry.

“These hormones are dominant when in place, and once you start raising your head, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than food.”

Grace said side effects may not be seen in the short term, but added that these could occur over a longer period of time.

“The longer effects of the continuous routine of missing a meal are more serious.

“If you don’t eat enough, you lose weight and may sound ideal, but losing energy without exchanging energy can lead to fatigue and weakness, weakened immune systems, disturbed sleep patterns, and even chronic fatigue. There is a possibility.”

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