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NHS Covid Testing Under Threats Following Roche’s Supply Chain Problems


NHS Coronavirus Following supply chain issues with pharmaceutical giant Roche, tests such as cotton swabs are under threat.

Growing concerns about vital supply test Materials in various conditions including COVID-19..

Roche said on Tuesday that a problem with Britain’s only Sussex distribution center had “significantly reduced” processing power.

The deficiency has been reported to include important reagents, screening kits and cotton swabs.

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Coronavirus swab in a closed plastic tank for laboratory technicians to perform diagnostic tests (PA)

Roche not only provides these chemicals and components used in the Covid-19 test, but also materials for a wide range of procedures such as blood tests, urinalysis, and diabetes treatment.

Roche has warned that supply chain issues may not be resolved for a couple of weeks, but prioritizes the dispatch of Covid-19 and antibody testing.

In a letter, the company tells its customers to enable their local emergency response plan, “we recommend prioritizing only critical services.”

The letter adds:

“But an unexpected problem occurred during the migration, which significantly reduced our processing power. Since then, we have been improving this capacity by prioritizing and managing orders 24 hours a day.”

It is understood that this issue does not affect the Covid-19 test at this time.

However, concerns have been raised about the future supply of viral testing and its impact on diagnosis and surveillance in other aspects of medicine.

“Roche has warned hospitals of supply chain issues and is urgently working to resolve them,” an NHS spokeswoman said.

A Roche spokeswoman said: “We deeply apologize for the delay in shipping some products. We apologize to the affected customers.

“In addition to extending our working hours, we hired additional staff. When possible, a dedicated team in the field works with our customers to distribute our products to minimize service interruptions.

“We continue to provide our customers with regular updates and do everything possible to get them back into normal operation.

“We prioritize the dispatch of Covid-19 PCR and antibody tests and do everything possible to ensure that these supplies to the NHS are unaffected.”

Munira Wilson, a member of Tuikinam and a health spokesman for the LDP, expressed concern about the impact of the problem while the health system was in “incredible tension.”

She states: “These reports make many people incredibly disturbed, and of course.

“Not only does this have serious consequences for the ability to test Covid-19, but it also prevents others with potentially very serious illnesses from undergoing the necessary blood tests and screening. I will. “

She added: “Our NHS must be able to treat everyone regardless of illness. The Minister must do everything in his supply chain to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

“We can’t allow this virus to go further out of control, and it can further jeopardize the health of thousands of individuals who can delay or even undetect the diagnosis of serious illness. can not.”


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