4,000 experts say the blockade causes irreparable damage to health
More than 4,000 professionals, including university scholars, including Excelter, have signed a letter stating that blockade-style restrictions pose irreparable damage to public health.
The new Declaration, which has received thousands of signatures from healthcare professionals, scholars and the general public, calls for a herd immunity approach to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic while protecting the most vulnerable populations.
However, mainstream scientific views still see Covid-19 as a “major threat to global public health,” said Jason Reach, Scotland’s national clinical director.
And the BBC was told to tighten Covid’s restrictions in some parts of England. And in these areas it may be forbidden to stay overnight away from home.
this morning Government minister refused to rule out pub and restaurant closures Areas with blockades in areas where infection rates continue to rise.
Nonetheless, scholars from Oxford University, Nottingham University, Edinburgh University, Exeter University, Cambridge University, Sussex University, York University, St. George University London, Strasclide University, Leicester University, Queen Mary University London, East Anglia University Is an expert all over the world. I signed the declaration.
But Sir Simon Stephens, the leader of the British NHS, asks everyone over the age of 65 for a shield to delay the transmission of the second wave of the coronavirus becomes “age-based apartheid.” I said it would be.
Another expert said the declaration ignored the growing evidence of long Covid. This left thousands of healthy young people infected with the virus debilitating months after a mild infection.
Professor Jeremy Rothman pointed out that the study suggests that the protective antibody response may “decline rapidly”, suggesting that there were cases of viral reinfection.
Meanwhile, Sweden, which adopted a herd immunity approach, “could not successfully protect vulnerable populations,” he added.
The Great Barrington Declaration states: “As epidemiologists and public health scientists of infectious diseases, we are seriously concerned about the negative effects of the general Covid-19 policy on physical and mental health and recommend an approach called centralized protection. I am.
“Current blockade policies have devastating effects on short-term and long-term public health. The consequences (to name a few) are lower childhood immunization rates and cardiovascular disease. This includes worsening outcomes, reduced cancer screening, and worsening mental health, which will increase excessive mortality over the next few years and place the greatest burden on young members of the working class and society. Not sending students to school is a serious injustice.
“Continuing to implement these measures until the vaccine is available will disproportionately harm the underprivileged and cause irreparable damage.
“We know that the vulnerabilities to death from Covid-19 are more than 1000 times higher in older people and weaker than in younger people. Indeed, for children, Covid-19 is many other, including influenza. Less dangerous than the harm of.
“The increased immunity of the population reduces the risk of infection for all, including vulnerable people. We say that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity, a new infection rate. We know that we will reach a point of stability, and that this can be supported by vaccines (but not vaccine dependent). Therefore, our goal is mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity. Is to minimize.
“The most compassionate approach to balancing the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity is for people with minimal risk of death to build immunity to the virus through natural infections while at the same time living a normal life. To make it possible. The highest risk. This is called centralized protection. “
He added: “People who are not vulnerable should be allowed to resume their lives as usual immediately. Everyone practices simple hygiene measures such as washing hands and staying at home in case of illness to lower the threshold of herd immunity. Schools and colleges should be open for face-to-face teaching. Extracurricular activities such as sports should be resumed. Low-risk young adults work normally, not from home Must be. Restaurants and other businesses need to open.
“Arts, music, sports and other cultural activities need to be resumed. People at greater risk can participate if they wish, but society as a whole is vulnerable to those who have built herd immunity. Enjoy the protection given to many people. “
Professor Rothman, Professor Honorary Senior Lecturer of Virology at the University of Kent, said of the declaration: “Unfortunately, this declaration ignores three important aspects that can have a significant impact on health and life.
“First of all, it is not yet known whether herd immunity can be achieved. Herd immunity relies on sustained immunological protection from coronavirus reinfection. However, many cases of reinfection have recently occurred. We have heard that it is occurring, and some studies suggest that the protective antibody response may decline rapidly.
“Second, the Declaration focuses only on the risk of death from Covid-19, but the long Covid that many healthy young adults with mild infections experience prolonged symptoms and long-term disability. Ignore the growing awareness of.
“Third, countries like Sweden, which abandoned blockade restrictions in favor of personal responsibility and intensive protection of older people, failed to successfully protect vulnerable people.”
Rosalind Franklin Institute and Professor James Nicesmith, director of the University of Oxford, said: However, it does not sign.
“This declaration carries the same risk of error as seen in the UK tracking and quarantine scheme. It is very easy to explain, but we can promise a scheme that is difficult to provide.”
He added that the declaration omits some “important scientific information.”
He was asked about disagreements in the scientific community about how to deal with a pandemic, said Jason Reach, Scotland’s national clinical director.
This was after many scholars signed the so-called “Great Barrington Declaration.” It states that people who are not vulnerable to the coronavirus should be allowed to return to normal life.
The Declaration advocates a herd immunity approach while continuing “intensive protection” for those at greatest risk.
In a speech at Holyrood’s Covid-19 Commission, Professor Reach said the disagreement within the scientific community was not new, but the disagreement over Covid-19 was more public.
In response to a question from SNP’s Shona Robison, he said: “The answer to the headline is mainstream scientific advice from around the world that the virus remains a major threat to global public health and personal life.
“We cannot find a country or the whole country that deviates significantly from that.
“There are nuances. Sweden is often quoted by me.
“I told Sweden’s CEO Healthcare,” People are telling me you didn’t lock down. “
“He said:” No, we locked down. We only have a very obedient population and we didn’t have to legislate it. “
Professor Reach said that scientific disagreements are currently occurring “in the public eye.”
He added: “As long as the reports and messages are balanced and you can hear the mainstream public health messages, I think that’s okay.
“I have no difficulty being tied up to explain that advice, at all.”
But he said he should strongly oppose more extreme views such as “face coverings don’t work.”
“It really needs a very strong other voice to avoid being heard by too many people in the country.”
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