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Ottawa prison guards refuse to work due to lack of COVID-19 screening protocol-Ottawa


Guard in Ottawa Refused to work on Tuesday morning due to lack of prison COVID-19 A screening of those entering the premises, the union representing their remedial workers, said.

Morning workers in the whole morning shift Ottawa Carlton Detention Center Ryan Graham, a spokesman for the Ontario Civil Service Union, said he refused to enter the facility.

“Everyone takes precautions everywhere, but they come to correctional facilities and do not take precautions,” Graham said.

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He said the union has been working with the Ministry of Justice for several weeks at all state prisons, from security guards to managers, to implement screening measures, including asking people entering the facility about the symptoms of COVID-19. Was.

The union wants to include screening by either health care professionals or employees, including questions about new coughs, fever, dyspnea, and travel history, and include temperature checks.

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“This is very important. We need to protect inmates from bringing viruses to them as much as they do to facilities,” he said.

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Graham continued to expect screening to begin at all agencies in the state, but said that “the wheels are not spinning at their true speed.”

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The ministry also said, “We are taking every measure to ensure a safe workplace for our employees and working to address the safety issues raised.

The ministry said officials need to conduct self-assessments and monitor their health before entering the facility. Staff are also required to report changes in health to management.

People hospitalized at the facility are monitored for respiratory illness, MHLW said.

“When corrective officials exercise their right to refuse work, the ministry has a protocol to maintain activity,” said ministry spokeswoman Christie Dennett.

Graham stated that security had returned to work around 2:00 pm following instructions from the Ministry of Labor.

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Ottawa Prison is capable of holding 585 inmates, many of which are awaiting trial, presumed innocent, and notorious.

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The facility has been locked down. This is the standard procedure when there are not enough guards.

Michael Spratt, Ottawa’s criminal defense lawyer, said the agency was locked down and the client was removed from the phone while the parties were discussing.

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Spratt said the prisoners were unable to appear on video before the judge because of the lack of guards and the inmates were stuck in their cells.

“It was blind to court until 2pm,” unless a number of cases, including bail hearings, were postponed to another date where no one had a show and had to get bail. Slat said it had not.

According to OPSEU, three security guards and one prison inmate had tested positive for COVID-19.

The ministry said no staff or inmates tested positive for the disease in Ottawa Prison.


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