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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: What is a mastectomy? How does it work?Experts say it can’t rule out risk


Some women who are at very high risk of developing breast cancer choose to have surgery to remove one or both breasts to reduce the risk. This is known as prophylactic or prophylactic mastectomy. All women are women and are at risk of breast cancer just as they get older.However, several factors increase the risk significantly, such as: Inherited changes (Mutation) To specific genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2.

There are other factors, such as a family history of breast cancer, radiation therapy to the chest as part of the treatment for another cancer under the age of 30, and if a woman already has cancer in one breast. However, just because a woman is identified as having a high risk does not mean that she will get breast cancer.

Deciding what to do with the knowledge that you are at high risk for breast cancer is a complex and time-consuming process. Taking the time to weigh the strengths and weaknesses is an important part of the decision-making process. Experts say you should consult your doctor before deciding on a mastectomy, learn about your options, and understand if a woman is right for you and how much you can benefit from the potential risks and side effects. It is important to be able to do it.

What is the type of mastectomy?

There are several different types of mastectomy, depending on the method of surgery and the amount of tissue removed.

Double mastectomy: Also known as bilateral mastectomy, it refers to the removal of both breasts. For example, Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie underwent a double mastectomy a few years ago.

Total mastectomy / simple mastectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon removes the entire breast, including the nipple, areola, and skin. In some situations, some axillary lymph nodes may be removed.

Corrective radical mastectomy: A combination of a simple mastectomy and removal of the lymph nodes under the arm

Skin-preserving mastectomy: Most of the skin above the breast remains intact and only the breast tissue, nipples, and areola are removed. Many women prefer skin-preserving mastectomy because of the benefits of less scar tissue and a more natural reconstruction of the breast. However, it may not be suitable for large tumors or tumors close to the surface of the skin.

Experts say you should consult your doctor before deciding on a mastectomy and weigh the strengths and weaknesses so that you can understand how women benefit from the potential risks and side effects. It’s important to do (Getty Images)

Nipple-preserving mastectomy: Remove as much breast tissue as possible while leaving the nipples intact. It is often an option for women who have small early-stage cancers near the outer part of the breast and no signs of cancer near the skin or nipples.

Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy: Some women who have already been diagnosed with breast cancer choose to have the other breast removed during surgery to remove the breast with the cancer. Known as contralateral preventive mastectomy (CPM), this surgery helps reduce the risk of developing secondary breast cancer.

How much does a mastectomy reduce the risk of breast cancer?

For high-risk women, both breasts are removed, according to health experts Decrease The risk of breast cancer is over 90%. However, the risk of developing breast cancer cannot be ruled out. This is because a mastectomy cannot remove all of the breast tissue. Breast tissue that remains in the body can still develop breast cancer.

“A total mastectomy does not remove all breast tissue that is at risk of developing cancer in the future. The breast wall, which is usually not removed by a mastectomy, may contain breast tissue and the breast. Tissue can be seen in the armpits, above the clavicle, and even in the abdomen. It is impossible for a surgeon to remove the breast tissue. All of this tissue is removed, “explains the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

According to the American Cancer Society, CPM May It is a good option for women who also have other factors that increase their risk of developing another breast cancer, such as a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation or a strong family history of breast cancer. “But for women without a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors, the benefits of CPM are less clear. Breast cancer increases the risk of developing cancer in the other breast, which is usually the risk. Is low and many women overestimate this risk.Although CPM reduces the risk of developing cancer in other breasts, it does not increase the chances of longevity for most women. I suggest.

What are the risks?

For some women, the benefits of such serious precautions outweigh the risks for personal and medical reasons. However, this is not the case for all women. Like other major surgeries, mastectomy can result in potential complications or harm such as bleeding, infection, or pain.

The side effects of a mastectomy depend on the type of mastectomy and include pain and tenderness at the surgical site, swelling at the surgical site, restricted movement of the arms and shoulders, numbness of the chest and upper arms, and accumulation of clear fluid. Scratches, and blood accumulation of scars. Another side effect is pain in the nerves of the chest wall, armpits, and / or arms (sometimes called burning pain or shooting pain), which does not go away over time and is as pain syndrome or PMPS after mastectomy. Is also known.

You may be anxious or disappointed with the change in appearance. “Changes in body image and loss of normal breast function can affect a woman’s psychological well-being. Most women who choose to have this surgery are happy with their decision, Still, they can experience anxiety and concerns about body image, the most common. Psychological side effects Includes issues of appearance, femininity, and sexual relations. Women undergoing total mastectomy can lose nipple sensation and interfere with sexual arousal, “says NCI.

Side effects of mastectomy include, among other things, pain or tenderness at the surgical site, swelling at the surgical site, restricted movement of the arm or shoulder, and numbness in the chest or upper arm. Anxiety and disappointment about changes in appearance are also possible (Getty Images)

What do you expect after a mastectomy?

It is important to talk to your doctor about what to expect. Women who have had a mastectomy usually stay in the hospital for a night or two before returning home. The time it takes to recover from surgery depends on the procedure performed, and some women may need help at home. Most women should be fairly functional after returning home and can often return to normal activity within about 4 weeks.

If breast reconstruction is also done, recovery time will be longer and it may take several months to return to full activity after some steps. Some women may receive other treatment after a mastectomy. For example, hormone therapy to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. Chemotherapy or targeted therapy after surgery may be needed. If so, radiation therapy and / or hormone therapy is usually postponed until chemotherapy is complete.

Are there other options to reduce the risk of breast cancer?

You can reduce your risk of breast cancer by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding menopausal hormone therapy. Breast-conserving surgery (BCS), which removes only the edge of the cancerous and normal tissue (the edge of the tumor), is also an option. According to ACS, despite comparable survival when combined with radiation, BCS-eligible patients undergo mastectomy for many reasons, including resistance to radiation therapy, fear of recurrence, and a desire for symmetry. Are increasingly selected.

“In fact, in most cases, mastectomy is less likely to survive long-term than BCS. In a study that followed thousands of women over 20 years, BCS was used in combination with radiation. The results have been shown to be similar to mastectomy, “says ACS. He added, “For women who are worried about the recurrence of breast cancer, mastectomy instead of breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy only reduces the risk of developing secondary breast cancer in the same breast. It’s important to understand. It doesn’t reduce the chance of cancer recurrence in other parts of the body, such as the breast on the other side. “

Experts also say that if a woman is at high risk, she may consider taking medications that help reduce the risk after consulting her doctor. Doctors may suggest more intensive screening for breast cancer. This may include starting screening at an earlier age or performing tests other than mammography.

Breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy

Women undergoing a mastectomy may have breast reconstruction with saline or silicone implants, tissue from another part of the body, or a combination of the two. Women considering breast reconstruction should discuss this option with their breast surgeon and coordinate their treatment plan with the plastic surgeon prior to mastectomy. We recommend an expert. This allows the surgery team to plan the best treatment for you, even if you wait and have a reconstructive surgery later.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions about your medical condition, always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider.


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