UT Health, Texas launches one of the largest COVID-19 antibody studies in the United States
UT Health and the Texas Health Department have launched one of the largest COVID-19 antibody studies in the United States. This is an assessment of the true prevalence of this disease around the state.
A one-month-old survey focusing exclusively on Houston wants to enroll about 100,000 people to determine the proportion of people in the state infected with the coronavirus based on the presence of antibodies. .. The immune system makes such antibodies to fight infections.
“Importantly, Texas is a large, heterogeneous state that requires such a large study to see the texture of a pandemic,” said Eric Boerwinkle, director of public health at UT Health School. I will. “It shows the frequency of those who are immune and those who are still vulnerable, and how their numbers change over time.”
The plan requires the creation of an online portal that provides data by county. Boyer Winkle said he hopes the data will have a meaningful pattern by January.
Antibody tests are considered important because diagnostic tests capture a small percentage of the total number of people infected with the virus. Antibody tests provide snapshots of that information at different times and guide the community in focusing on additional diagnostic tests and contact tracing.
The study, which began enrolling participants in late September, has a brief study and three blood draws every few months. It focuses on four groups: employees whose work brings them into contact with the public. Children 5-17 years; teachers; and people in poorly serviced communities. New antibody study to determine the prevalence of COVID in Houston
Preliminary data from the first few weeks of the study show that 18.2 percent of Texas people who are already participating have antibodies to the virus. Boyer Winkle said it was too early to read the numbers in detail.
A study in Houston, a partnership between the city and Baylor College of Medicine, requires two rounds, each hiring about 700 people. The second round will begin in early 2021.
The Houston survey involves staff calling home to randomly selected participants in the Census Subgroup. A state survey recruits four groups of people and donates blood at federal-qualified health centers or the sites of private companies (Clinical Pathology Laboratories).
The state survey includes Harris County, but not “oversamples” of metropolitan areas, Boyer Winkle said. As a whole, blood can be collected at about 650 locations in the state.
People who test positive, negative, or never tested for COVID-19 have a duration of immunity, why some people infected with the virus are asymptomatic, and that affects them. You are eligible to enroll in a study to investigate whether to give an antibody reaction. People with active COVID-19 should not attempt to register until symptoms have subsided and quarantine is complete.
“I’m always asked by the general public. How can I contribute to the fight against COVID-19,” Boerwinkle said. “Participating in such studies is one of the key ways Texas citizens can play their part.”
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