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A man allergic to a cold almost died after taking a hot shower

A man allergic to a cold almost died after taking a hot shower


The man’s rare intolerance to the cold almost killed him after the shower. In a recent case report, doctors explain how he developed a severe allergic reaction to the cold air he encountered after getting off a hot shower. This is serious enough to deserve a trip to the emergency room and a stay in the intensive care unit.

According to reports Release At the Journal of Emergency Medicine last week, a 34-year-old man collapsed shortly after taking a hot shower due to a fatal allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. His family eventually found him on the floor and called an ambulance. When they got there, they gave him oxygen and epinephrine, which is routinely used to treat hypotension and narrowed breathing caused by anaphylaxis, and took him to the emergency room. .. By the time he arrived at the hospital, he was still sweating hard, experiencing shortness of breath, and suffering from urticaria throughout his body. He was admitted to the intensive care unit to monitor for further anaphylaxis.

His family told paramedics that he had a history of being allergic to colds, first discovered after he moved to Colorado from the normally mild weather in Micronesia. But until then, the biggest problem he had experienced was urticaria. The doctor performed a simple allergy test — rubbing ice cubes on his skin and monitoring subsequent red ridges — to confirm his diagnosis: cold-induced urticaria (urticaria) and anaphylaxis.

I’m not sure how many people are really allergic to colds, Rare symptoms.. As in men, symptoms range from very slight skin reactions to anaphylaxis. The latter usually occurs when the temperature suddenly drops, much like an allergic person swims in cold waters. However, the man’s exposure to cold air after a shower in his bathroom seems to have been sufficient to cause his anaphylaxis. People tend to experience the first episode of allergies in early adulthood.

Researchers in recent years It’s been found A rare hereditary mutation that makes people more susceptible to cold allergies. However, in most cases it remains unexplained and is believed to be acquired in later life. The first possible triggers include a viral infection or other health problem.

Urticaria caused by the cold, like other allergies, is primarily caused by the premature release of histamine. This tells the body to become inflamed. This means that you can usually reduce treatment with antihistamines and avoid excessive colds. In the case of a man, he was given antihistamines and steroids at the hospital, which helped his recovery. Prior to discharge, he was also given an automatic syringe of his own epinephrine in case he developed anaphylaxis.

Editor’s Note: The release dates in this article are based in the United States, but will be updated with local dates in Australia as more details become available.

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