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Vitamin D levels during pregnancy associated with IQ in children-ScienceDaily

Vitamin D levels during pregnancy associated with IQ in children-ScienceDaily


Vitamin D is an important nutrient and has many important functions in the body. The mother’s supply of vitamin D is passed to the baby in utero and helps regulate processes, including brain development.Study published today Journal of Nutrition It shows that the vitamin D level of the pregnant mother is associated with the IQ of the child, suggesting that the higher the vitamin D level during pregnancy, the higher the IQ score of the child may be. The study also identified significantly lower levels of vitamin D among pregnant black women.

Melissa Melough, lead author of research and research scientists in the Children Health, Behavior, and Development division of the Seattle Children’s Research Institute, states that vitamin D deficiency is more common among the general public and pregnant women, but black women are more common. You are at great risk. Melough says the study hopes to help healthcare providers address the gap between colored women and women at high risk for vitamin D deficiency.

“Melanin pigments protect the skin from damage from sunlight, but by blocking UV rays, melanin also reduces vitamin D production in the skin. Therefore, in our study, vitamin D deficiency rates in black pregnant women The highs were not surprising. Even if many pregnant women take prenatal vitamins, this may not correct their existing vitamin D deficiency, “Melough said. “Our work brings greater awareness of this issue, showing the long-term effects of prenatal vitamin D on children and their neurocognitive development, and that there are specific groups that providers should pay more attention to. I hope to emphasize. Vitamin D levels are not generally recommended, but I think healthcare providers should pay attention to high-risk people, including black women. “

Dealing with disparities

According to Melough, 80% of pregnant black women in the United States may be deficient in vitamin D. Of the women who participated in the study, about 46% of mothers were deficient in vitamin D during pregnancy and were deficient in vitamin D. Levels were lower among black women compared to white women.

Using data from a Tennessee cohort, Melough and her co-authors called it a CANDLE study that affects neurocognitive development and learning in early childhood. CANDLE researchers have recruited pregnant women to participate in the survey since 2006, collecting information on their child’s health and development over time.

After controlling several other IQ-related factors, higher vitamin D levels during pregnancy were associated with higher IQ in children aged 4-6 years. Although such observational studies cannot prove the cause, Mellow believes her findings are important and requires further study.

Vitamin D deficiency

“Vitamin D deficiency is quite widespread,” Mellow said. “The good news is that there is a relatively simple solution. It can be difficult to get enough vitamin D on a diet, and exposure to sunlight can fill this gap for everyone. Not that, so a good solution is to take supplements. “

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600 international units (IU). On average, Americans consume less than 200 IU in their diet, so if people don’t fill that gap with sun exposure and supplements, people will probably run short, says Mellow. Foods that contain high levels of vitamin D include fortified foods such as fatty fish, eggs, milk and breakfast cereals. However, Mellow states that vitamin D is one of the most difficult nutrients to get the right amount from our diet.

Although additional research is needed to determine optimal levels of vitamin D during pregnancy, Melough hopes that this study will help develop nutritional recommendations for pregnant women. Nutrition and screening can be influential strategies for reducing health inequalities, especially among black women and women at high risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Important point

Melough states that there are three important points from this study.

  1. Vitamin D deficiency is common during pregnancy, and black women are at greater risk because the melanin pigments in the skin reduce the production of vitamin D.
  2. High vitamin D levels in pregnant mothers can promote brain development and increase IQ scores in childhood
  3. Screening and nutrition may correct vitamin D deficiency in high-risk individuals and promote cognitive function in offspring

“I want people to know that this is a common problem and can affect child development,” Mellow said. “Even with a healthy diet, vitamin D deficiency can occur, sometimes related to our lifestyle, skin pigmentation, or other factors beyond our control. I will. “

Story source:

material Provided by Seattle Children’s Hospital.. Original written by Kathryn Mueller. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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