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Foods that boost immunity are important during the flu season

Foods that boost immunity are important during the flu season


Dan Smith

A nutritious diet can contribute to a healthy immune system

Registered dietitian Marissa Martrana provides tips on how to properly function your immune system. (Photo courtesy of Beach Cities Health District)

Marissa Martrana, RD

As a registered dietitian, I am often asked if there are any foods that can prevent the flu and colds. There are no specific foods that provide complete immunity to the flu and colds, but there are specific dietary patterns, nutrients, and daily habits that can contribute to a properly functioning immune system. According to the 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines, “Eating patterns are more than the sum of those parts. It represents the whole of what an individual eats and drinks habitually, and these dietary elements are healthy. Relationships work synergistically. As a result, dietary patterns may be more predictable of overall health and risk of illness than individual foods and nutrients. ”

However, there are certain nutrients such as Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D, Iron, Selenium, and Protein that have been shown to help support the growth of immune cells. These nutrients can be easily obtained from your diet with a little planning to make sure your dietary patterns reflect these nutrients.

  • Vitamin C foods include strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, and peppers.
  • Zinc-containing foods include oysters, lean meats, chicken and other seafood, beans, nuts and whole grains.
  • Vitamin D foods include fatty fish, beef liver, egg yolks, cheese, fortified dairy products and dairy alternative beverages. Many other foods are fortified with Vitamin D, so be sure to read the label if you are looking for additional Vitamin D. Direct sunlight on the skin also helps our body make vitamin D.
  • Iron-rich foods are found in meat, poultry, seafood, legumes, nuts, dried fruits, and iron-enriched cereals and breads. When consuming plant-based iron foods, it is best to combine them with vitamin C-rich foods to increase iron absorption.
  • Serene foods include animal proteins such as seafood, meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products, as well as bread, cereals and other grains.
  • Protein foods can be obtained from either animal-based proteins such as meat, eggs, and dairy products, and plant-based proteins such as legumes, soybeans, quinoa, nuts, and seeds.

It is also noteworthy that active research is being conducted to link the microbiome, which is a network of microorganisms that mainly inhabit the intestines, with immune function. So what does this mean for immune health? The focus is on foods that nurture the prebiotic food “good bacteria”. Think of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Probiotic foods contain live bacteria that also help with intestinal health, including live culture yogurt, fermented vegetables, tempe, kimchi, miso, kefir, kelp tea, and sauerkraut. By incorporating these foods into our dietary patterns, we can be confident that we care about gut health. This may contribute to improved immune health.

In addition to following a nutritious diet pattern, other daily habits that contribute to a healthy immune system are proper sleep, stress management skills, and regular exercise. If you need additional support in any of these areas, it may be helpful to contact a registered dietitian or mental health professional.

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References: Sources of Nutrition; Nutrition and Immunity; November 2020.

Marissa Martrana, RD is a private business in Rolling Hills. She works for all ages and focuses on patients with eating disorders, diabetes, and general health concerns. She also has contracts with companies seeking nutrition-related services.

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