Increased Air Pollution: What Pregnant Mothers and Parents with Newborns Need to Know
November 7, 2020 1:30:46 pm
Dr. Pratibha Singhal
Each year, the beginning of winter is automatically associated with air, breathing, and vision problems. Have you ever noticed that air pollution can adversely affect the health of pregnant women and the development of babies? Residents and hospitals are beginning to report a surge in respiratory illness, especially children complaining of shortness of breath and other respiratory problems.
It is important to understand that there are many forms of air pollution. Contaminated air typically includes ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, vehicle exhaust, building emissions, indirect smoking, dust, and chemicals. This toxic particulate matter irritates the lungs, eyes and throat, making breathing difficult. Larger particles can cough and sneeze outside the body, while smaller particles tend to be trapped in the lungs and into the bloodstream.
Impact on pregnancy
There is now sufficient evidence to say that air pollution affects pregnancy. A 2018 study of 1,285 pregnant women in and around Chennai found that exposure to pregnant women for every 10 µg / m3 increase in PM2.5 could reduce the birth weight of babies by 4 grams. there is. PM 2.5 is a particulate matter that exists in the air with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less and is known to pose the greatest risk to the human body. PM2.5 in Delhi averages 100-180 10 µg / m3, which is more than 10 times the standard set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The median estimated birth weight is an increase of 72 grams. That is, the median estimated birth weight of a newborn is 70-80 grams. [pregnant women] I lived in a beautiful place.
Risks associated with air pollution and pregnancy
The fetus receives oxygen from the mother and breathes polluted air, affecting the fetus. Exposure to outdoor air pollution before or during early pregnancy can lead to preterm birth or birth defects in the brain and spine. In addition, it causes the baby’s low birth weight and can increase the risk of the baby getting sick.
Air pollution increases the risk of miscarriage. Recently, the British Guardian published an article suggesting that air pollution can be as bad as smoking in increasing the risk of miscarriage. He claimed that increasing levels of nitrogen dioxide contamination increased the risk of pregnancy loss by 16 percent. Another study found that exposure to ammonium sulphate during pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects and stillbirth. Sulfates are produced primarily from coal combustion, while ammonium is produced from ammonia produced from agricultural, automotive, and animal emissions.
read| Impact of Air Pollution on Children: Parental Guide
Low birth weight
The result of pregnancy is ideally a baby weighing 2.5 to 3 kg in 38 to 40 weeks. Babies weighing less than 2.5 kg are considered “low birth weight”. When exposed to air pollution, they become low birth weight infants. However, it is still unclear which semester is most vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. When exposed to ozone during pregnancy, babies can be born with low birth weight. Ozone is a gas generated from automobile exhaust, gasoline, and smoke from factories and chemicals.
Premature birth
Preterm children are at significant risk of long-term adverse consequences. Nearly 3 million babies are born prematurely each year due to air pollution, according to a study by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) at the University of York. This means that 18% of all preterm births per year are associated with exposure to particulate matter contamination.
Autism is a developmental disorder in children and there is currently no cure. There was an association between air pollution exposure to pregnant women and autism in children. A disturbing study at Harvard University found that women exposed to high particulate matter contamination in the third semester were twice as likely to give birth to a child with autism.
Asthma is a recurrent asthma condition that requires constant medical attention. Air pollution exacerbates asthma. This can be dangerous in pregnant women, as asthma can cause pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a condition that causes high blood pressure and decreased liver and kidney function. Untreated asthma can cause babies to suffer from oxygen deficiency, leading to poor growth, preterm birth, and low birth weight. Studies show that exposure to air pollution can increase a baby’s chances of developing asthma later in life.
Infertility problem
If you plan to start or expand your family, you may need to be aware of the air you breathe. Studies have shown that air pollution contributes to lower fertility rates for men and women. Some studies have also linked air pollution to miscarriage.
Advice for expecting mothers and their families
While it is impossible to avoid all potential threats to your health and your baby’s health, there are many things you can do to reduce your exposure to air pollution. First and foremost, get a flu shot. The exact time and duration of the flu season varies, but if you’re waiting for the right time to get the flu vaccine, it’s actually now. Yes, October or early November is the best month to get the flu vaccine for maximum protection against the flu virus. It takes about two weeks to develop antibodies from the flu vaccine that are sufficient to protect you from the flu. Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of getting sick by about 40-60% and reduces the severity of the illness if you get sick. If you miss the flu vaccine in October, you should get the jab as much as possible. Pregnant mothers are advised to be vaccinated against the flu 26 weeks before pregnancy.
Other notes:
Limit outdoor activities and always wear a mask when adventuring.
Use an inhaler for people with asthma.
Always practice hygiene in all forms of hands, eyes and face.
Drink plenty of fluids with an immune booster that includes a healthy diet rich in vitamin C along with green leafy vegetables.
Get an Air Purifier – These devices remove everything from smoke to allergens, mold and germs from the air, helping you and your baby grow in a healthier environment. In addition to household air purifiers, install car purifiers as well.
Protect the Air – Use natural household cleaners, use bent hoods when cooking, check for mold regularly, and use carbon monoxide detectors to create a healthy environment.
Get an Air Purifying Plant – Plants naturally filter your air and help you and your growing baby breathe healthier air.
Advice for parents with newborns
o All children under 6 months should be encouraged to breastfeed.
o You need to be careful about nutrition. Nutritious foods, fluids and support therapies can help.
o Reduce strenuous exercise, especially outdoors, especially if you have symptoms.
o In special circumstances, we recommend using an air purifier.
Parents should be aware of the following symptoms that may indicate serious respiratory problems in their child:
Recurrent night / early morning cough, does not go away easily.
A cough that develops with the changing seasons is accompanied by a mild to moderate runny nose.
The feeling of chest tightness was repeatedly informed by the child.
Dyspnea, especially during exercise.
Clear nasal watery secretions, recurrent large-scale sneezing, excessive snoring.
Low-grade fever with coughing for more than 2 weeks.
(The writer is the director of obstetrics and gynecology at the Cloudnine Group of Hospitals in Noida.)
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