Smell and Taste Change Early Indicators of COVID-19 Community Expansion, New Research Results | Weather Channel-Weather Channel Articles
An international team of researchers have shown that self-reporting of olfactory and taste changes provides an early marker of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus.
The study, published in Nature Communications, showed a decline in self-reports of olfactory and taste changes as early as five days after the blockade, with a more rapid decline in countries that adopted the strictest blockade. it was done.
“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have taken drastic steps to prevent the intensive care unit from being overwhelmed by patients,” said John Hayes, a research author at Pennsylvania State University in the United States. Said.
“Our study suggests that an increased incidence of sudden olfactory and taste changes in the general population may indicate that COVID-19 is widespread,” Hayes said. I added.
In their study, researchers used data from a global consortium survey for chemical sensory research. This is a global crowdsourcing online study deployed in over 35 languages.
In addition, from May 7, the team examined data from the French government, which classifies various geographic areas of the country as red or green, depending on the COVID-19 epidemic.
Compared to the green area, the red area was characterized by a high vigorous circulation of the virus, high pressure on the hospital, and a reduced ability to test new cases.
Finally, the team compared French data with Italian and British data to determine if self-reported olfactory and taste loss served as an early indicator of COVID-19 cases and thus hospital stress. Did. Blockades are measured at different times and at different levels of rigor.
The main objectives are self-reported olfactory and taste changes and indicators of hospital pressure such as COVID-19-related hospitalization, CPR, and mortality for each French province over the past three months. It was to test the association.
The secondary objective was to investigate the temporal relationship between the peaks of olfactory and taste changes in the population and the peaks of COVID-19 cases, and the application of blockade measures.
Overall, the team found that changes in olfaction and taste were more than the current government index in France, which examines the rate of emergency room (ER) consultations for suspected COVID-19, the number of COVID-19 hospital admissions. I found that it correlates better with. Consultation.
Specifically, researchers found that peak onset of olfactory / taste changes appeared four days after the blockade was implemented. In contrast, government indicators based on ER talks peaked 11 days after the blockade.
“Our findings are consistent with new data showing that COVID-19-related olfactory and taste changes occur in the first few days after infection,” says Hayes.
The above article was published by a news agency with minimal headline and text changes.
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