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Mouthwash has not been clinically proven to fight COVID-19. This is the reason!


Various experts have uncovered recent research claims Mouthwash destroys coronavirus In 30 seconds.

Data from a report by Cardiff University, which has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in medical journals, show that mouthwashes containing at least 0.07% cetipridinium chloride (CPC) show promising antivirus capabilities. I will. The researchers who led the study used Listerine and Dentil to mimic the condition of the nasal and oral passages.

Listerine producers and distributors Johnson & Johnson argued that mouthwash is not synonymous with coronavirus treatment and cannot be used as a drug.

The company’s public health department has shown that Listerine is an antibacterial mouthwash that is scientifically known to destroy the bacteria that cause plaque, shortness of breath, periodontal disease, and early periodontal disease. I did. ”

It said in statement For FOX Business, mouthwash is “not intended to block or cure COVID-19 and can instead be used as directed on the product label.

The company also said,Listerine Usage Guidelines and Outbreak of COVID-19 “ On the product’s web page. The first line of details is: “Consumers are encouraged to learn and follow [the] Guidance provided by World Health Organization.. “

Listerine mouthwash prices are rising across the pandemic, according to Johnson & Johnson’s Q3 earnings report.

Can you sterilize your mouth?

As a rule, mouthwash or other forms of oral rinse can reduce the amount of virus or bacteria in someone’s mouth for a short period of time. However, sterilizing the human mouth is not practical because all microbes reappear in a very short time.

“You can’t sterilize your mouth,” said Dr. Graham Snyder, an associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Were told CNN.

“The pathogen is never completely gone,” he added.

Mouthwash explained that the virus keeps replicating and does not substantially stop the disease from progressing, Snyder said.

Dr. Linawen, an emergency physician at the George Washington University School of Public Health and a visiting professor of health policy and administration, said mouthwashes and other disinfectants cannot stop anyone from inhaling the infection. ..

Further research needed to prove such a claim

Interim findings from a university study show that mouthwash can help fight viruses in saliva, but how it affects the respiratory tract and lungs, which are the major areas of COVID-19 infection. There is no evidence of what to do.

by BBCA clinical trial will be conducted at the University of Wales Hospital in Cardiff to investigate how well-known mouthwash brands have been successful in reducing levels of coronavirus in saliva.

Dr. Nick Claydon, one of the specialist periodontologists, assured the BBC that he felt the study was really important.

“If these positive results are reflected in Cardiff University clinical trials, CPC-based mouthwash is important to people’s daily lives, along with hand washing, physical distance, and wearing masks, both now and in the future. It could be an addition, “Dr. Claydon said. BBC.

The goal of future clinical trials expected early next year is to determine whether mouthwash reproduces the same findings observed in laboratory patients.

To confirm the discovery that Listerine Mouthwash can prevent COVID-19, Johnson & Johnson showed that further research is needed.

Read again: Experts argue that brushing teeth can help prevent COVID-19

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