A robot adopted in a Japanese store to tell customers to wear a face mask
Robot Robobee is the latest employee of a Japanese store that requires customers to wear face masks and reduce social distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This robot was developed by the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), which is based in Kyoto, Japan. Roboby will guide you through the sales floor of the soccer team Cerezo Osaka. It uses a camera and 3D laser beam technology to detect people who are not wearing face masks or who do not adhere to social distance rules.
Its deployment is a test run that begins in the second week of November and runs until the end of the month. With the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 in Japan, they hope that Robovie will help prevent further transmission of the coronavirus to other people.
(Photo: YouTube)
Screenshot of Robobee YouTube hired at a Japanese store to tell customers to wear a face mask
Roboby hides his dear customers here
In a test run last week, we used a robot to become the latest staff in a Japanese shop, ensuring that our customers are following proper health protocols such as wearing face masks and practicing social distance. This is one of the Japanese ways to prepare for the third wave of the pandemic.
ATR has developed Robovie and politely asked its customers to conceal and intervene in those who did not follow the social distance protocol. Parents report. ATR hopes that Roboby will help reduce the close contact between shoppers at the club shop of the professional soccer team Cerezo Osaka.
They believe that non-compliant customers will not feel embarrassed if they are robots that ask them to hide, rather than fellow humans.
Information about the layout of the shop is pre-loaded and cameras and sensors are used to observe the movement of shoppers in the store. The laser is used to measure the distance between robot vacuums as they move over the floor.
In an era when you weren’t forced to wear a face mask or social distance in the store, you’ll be a guide to customers in the store.
Japan is doing much better than other countries, but with the recent daily increase in COVID-19, new measures to prevent hospitals and the overall healthcare system from being attacked by patients, especially as winter approaches. You are asked to carry out.
Japanese welfare equipment
As robots continue to show their use in medicine and healthcare, developers have realized that they need to switch from robots. From “system design” to “service design”. Japan is one of the major countries that started investing Support robot To improve healthcare services.
Robovie is just one example of these investments, as it also planned to hire about 80,000 robots as volunteers at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which were canceled this year. They work with humans as guides to the next event and as translators for foreigners.
In Japan, the market for healthcare robots called “Calero Boss” is expected to triple from 2015 to 2020.
Read more: Korean scientists develop COVID-19 test bot on behalf of healthcare professionals: see how it works
Check out more news and information about Robotics & COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Science Times.
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