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Why Face Masks Belong to Thanksgiving Gatherings – 7 Things You Should Know About Wearing Masks

Why Face Masks Belong to Thanksgiving Gatherings – 7 Things You Should Know About Wearing Masks


Thanksgiving. Image of pixabay by Sabrina Ripke

COVID-19 is ready to disrupt our daily lives and completely disrupt the holiday season. Strategies are essential when people plan vacations and think about ways to reduce the risk to their loved ones.

Face masks are an important part of that strategy and are now mandated in public. Increasing number of states As COVID-19 The number of cases has increased rapidly..

I Epidemiologist trained in infectious diseases, Researcher and nurse practitioner. Here are answers to some important questions about how and when to wear masks and how to manage mask use during the holidays.

Do you really need a mask for a family gathering?

Yes, if you are gathering with friends and family who do not live in your home. Being with someone you know does not mean that you are safe from the coronavirus.The infection rate is Higher than ever In the United States, and A small gathering is the source of information Of the spread of the virus. All you need is one infected person who is unaware that you have the coronavirus that infects others.

Remember, people Infectious 2-3 days Before Symptoms – That’s one thing that makes it very difficult to stop this virus. Therefore, you should wear a mask even if you feel good.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is currently available if both people are wearing masks Low chance of infection..

Who protects you when you wear the mask?

In a nutshell: Everyone.Coronavirus Spreads through respiratory droplets Send it into the air when talking, singing, or breathing. The smallest of these droplets can float in the airflow for extended periods of time.

Face masks stop many of those droplets and reduce the amount of virus in the air. This makes them less likely to get infected and less likely to infect others.

Study of people exposed to long periods of time We have shown to others using COVID-19 how masks can reduce the chance of virus spread. In general, A tightly fitted cloth mask Composed of multiple layers, it can stop most large droplets and at least half the small droplets.plastic Face shield It is much less effective on its own. Face mask with valve or vent It may be good for construction work, but it cannot stop the wearer from exhaling the virus into the air.

Can I reuse the mask? When do I need to replace it?

Reusable masks should be kept clean and dry. It’s the season for colds and flu, and my nose is throbbing. Rule of thumb: Whenever the mask is wet enough to identify it as wet, use a new mask or clean a reusable mask if it is disposable.

Moisture allows the thread to move and may reduce the static charge of the mask, which adds additional protection on some cloths, allowing the virus to move more easily through the paper or cloth. To.

In general, you can use a mask that stays clean and dry for about a week before it needs to be washed or disposed of.

How should I clean the cloth mask?

Washing a mask is like washing clothes. You know when it’s time.

In general, Clean the mask every week Should be enough. If it smells before that, it is recommended to wash it early. Smell generally means the accumulation of bacteria.

Cleaning the mask by hand with soap and water is your best option. It is okay to use common detergents in the washing machine in gentle cycles, but depending on the quality of the material, the risk of damage may increase. COVID-19 is not a tough virus. Soaps and detergents should work fine. No special chemicals, bleach, or harsh soaps are needed.

Be careful to remove all inserts before cleaning. The inserted filter is generally not washable.

An air drying mask is best. Allow the mask to dry completely before use. Therefore, keep a replacement mask handy while the freshly washed mask is dry.

Sunlight is always the best source of heat to dry the mask. In addition, sunlight has ultraviolet rays, Eliminate the coronavirus It is also known for its antibacterial properties.

Can I wear a mask under my nose?

Wearing a mask under your nose is, frankly, ridiculous.

please think about it. If you are breathing through your nose and only cover your mouth, you are effectively eliminating the tip of the mask. To wear the mask properly, you should always cover both your nose and mouth.

Studies have shown that wearing a suitable cloth or surgical mask during exercise Does not affect the flow of oxygen Or carbon dioxide in a detectable way. So unless you have a serious heart and lung problem, that’s no excuse.

How can I safely remove the mask when eating or drinking?

you Take off your maskCarefully remove it with a strap without touching anything else, and place it in a safe place, such as wrapping it in a purse, bag, or pocket with paper. Then wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer. After wearing, wash your hands again.

So how can you hold a safe holiday gathering?

The safest way to celebrate this year is to celebrate only with members of your family.The· The CDC is currently emphasizing that point, Similarly. When celebrating with friends and relatives outside the family, an action plan is needed to reduce the risk of exposure.

Here are five recommendations:

  • Limit the number of people – A small number of people means less exposure and more room for expansion.
  • You need a mask when you don’t eat or drink.
  • Use physical distance when eating.Try to sit down At least 6 feet away.. Eat outside if possible.
  • Consider getting a COVID-19 test before your trip or rally. This is not a guarantee, but it does help you report your illness. Don’t forget to self-separate tests and events.
  • Be prepared to quarantine for 14 days after traveling or attending an event involving people outside your home.

The map has been updated in New Hampshire with the announcement of the Maskman Date, which will take effect on November 20th.conversation

This article will be republished from conversation Under a Creative Commons license.Read Original work..

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