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GRAIL and UK Government Provide Galleri Multi-Cancer Early Detection Blood Tests to Patients | National


Menlo Park, CA-(BUSINESSWIRE)-November 26, 2020-

GRAIL, Inc. is a healthcare company whose mission is to detect and cure cancer early. Today, it announces a partnership with the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) to help transform cancer outcomes by creating GRAIL’s multi-cancer. Early detection blood test Galleri ™ available to UK patients from 2021.

The Commercial Partnership Program aims to identify Garelli’s clinical and economic performance in the NHS system as a precursor to its daily use by the NHS.

The partnership program will include approximately 165,000 people in the UK and two groups. The first includes 140,000 people over the age of 50 who are not suspected of having cancer, and the second includes 25,000 people over the age of 40 with signs or symptoms of suspected cancer. Based on the data from this program, access to testing will be expanded to approximately 1 million people between 2024 and 2025, and could be expanded to even more people thereafter.

In a clinical validation study in the United States, previous versions of Galleri detected more than 50 types of cancer with a false positive rate of less than 1% in a single blood draw. Modeling data show that adding Garelli to existing standard treatments can reduce the number of cancers diagnosed in the late stages by almost half, reducing the total number of cancer deaths in the UK by about one-fifth. It shows that you can.

“Every year, nearly 200,000 people die of cancer in the UK. Many of these people are diagnosed too late for treatment to be effective,” said Lord David Prior, chair of NHS England. .. “This collaboration between the NHS and GRAIL provides an opportunity for a wide range of cancers to be diagnosed much sooner and has the potential to radically change the outlook for people with cancer.”

“We are building the world’s leading diagnostic industry in the UK not only for coronaviruses, but for other diseases,” said Matt Hancock, Secretary of Health and Social Welfare. “This exciting and groundbreaking new blood test by GRAIL provides another tool that gives more people the best chance of survival, and the UK uses the latest innovative treatments to help patients. It shows that it continues to lead the way in. Many of us know our loved ones who have fought cancer and have seen the effects of this deadly disease in person. “

Cancer is projected to be the leading cause of death in the world soon, with more than 1,000 people being diagnosed with cancer daily in the United Kingdom. Most deadly cancers do not have screening tests available, so if the results are often fatal, the majority of cancers will be found too late. In the UK, more than 80% of all cancer deaths are due to cancers for which there is currently no recommended screening available.

“The collaboration between GRAIL, NHS England and the UK Government represents a novel approach to addressing one of the world’s largest public health challenges,” said Hans Bishop, CEO of GRAIL. I will. “We are pleased to partner with the UK Government to support the NHS long-term program for early cancer diagnosis, and to provide our technology to UK patients with the potential to save many lives. I want. “

“The long-term cancer plan has been very much supported by me since it was announced in 2019. The UK Government and the NHS have set these ambitious goals and roadmaps for early diagnosis of cancer. I commend you for what you did, “says Sir Harpal. Kumar, President of GRAIL Europe. “Garelli, a simple blood test that can detect more than 50 types of cancer, is a breakthrough and potentially life-saving advancement that can bring significant human and financial benefits.”

Galleri will be marketed in the United States in 2021. It is currently available for clinical trial use in GRAIL’s first intervention trial, PATHFINDER, and is used as a guide to clinical care.


GRAIL is a healthcare company whose mission is to detect and cure cancer early. GRAIL focuses on saving lives and improving health by pioneering new technologies for early detection of cancer. Using the power of next-generation sequencing, population-scale clinical research, and state-of-the-art computer science and data science, the company is one of the biggest medical challenges in GRAIL’s early detection of multiple cancers, Galleri ™. Is overcoming. Earlier versions of Galleri have shown the ability to detect more than 50 types of cancer. More than 45 of them do not currently have the recommended screening tests in the United States. False positive rate is less than 1%. When cancer is detected, Galleri accurately identifies the cancer signal from every single blood draw. GRAIL is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, with offices in Washington, DC, North Carolina, and the United Kingdom. It is supported by the world’s leading investors and pharmaceutical, technology and healthcare companies.

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Contacts: Media contacts

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Keywords: California North America United States Ireland United Kingdom United Kingdom Europe

Industry Keywords: Biotechnology Health Oncology

Source: GRAIL, Inc.

Copyright Business Wire 2020.

PUB: 11/26/2020 07:59 PM / DISC: 11/26/2020 07:59 PM

Copyright Business Wire 2020.


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