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Need to quarantine after Thanksgiving as COVID cases increase?Yes, experts say

Need to quarantine after Thanksgiving as COVID cases increase?Yes, experts say


Thanksgiving is over. Many celebrated on their own household basis alone, but many did not. In fact, according to the AAA, up to 50 million Americans travel on Thanksgiving weekends.

US travelers come and go believe in the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to skyrocket. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the United States reported 2,046 deaths on Wednesday. According to the COVID Tracking Project, the country has also set new daily hospitalization records for 89,954 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19. As CNN previously reported, this number set a pandemic record for the 16th consecutive day.

We talked to CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Linawen about her recommendations on how to keep people safe after returning from a holiday festival.

First and foremost, Wen advised that anyone visiting with family or friends or hosting guests outside of a direct household unit should be quarantined.

Taking action to protect others around you will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, especially when Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year are imminent.

CNN: Many took risks and gathered with loved ones for Thanksgiving. Why are these people recommending quarantine after returning?

Dr. Lina Wen: Coronavirus is proliferating nationwide and there are hotspots in so many areas. Anyone who travels to another part of the country and travels with others is at risk of being infected with COVID-19. When they returned to their home community, they were able to spread it to family members, friends, colleagues, and others around them.

We are facing an imminent disaster. Many hospitals are already at stake. ICU is full. We all need to play our part and flatten the curve again. And that means knowing when we are at risk to others around us. If you have traveled and met other people, it can pose a risk to your community.

CNN: How can I assess risk?

Wen: There are three things to consider when assessing your own risk exposure. First, think about who you saw during your vacation. How many guests were there and what was their risk? If you visit older parents who are quarantining themselves, it is a very low risk to you. On the other hand, if you are with three households, teenage children go to school, they work for themselves, and these households are not quarantined, the risk is much higher.

Second, how did you work with others? If you only look at people outdoors at least 6 feet away, the risk is very low. Spending time indoors is at increased risk, especially if you spend a lot of time in poorly ventilated areas and people are eating and drinking (and therefore not wearing masks). If you stay in someone’s house, the risk can be even higher due to the longer exposure time.

Third, what kind of exposure did you have during your trip? If you drive, the risk is lower than if you flew. You’re actually less worried about exposure to in-flight risks than all other components, such as waiting at the airport or boarding a boarding bridge where people can get together in poorly ventilated areas. Hmm. If you wear a three-layer surgical mask all the time, the risk is even less. Overall, I’m most worried about the risks of meeting people.

CNN: What does the quarantine look like?

Wen: Good question. Quarantine means that you may have been infected with a coronavirus and must act as if you were infected with a coronavirus. This means that you shouldn’t be around other people as much as possible. Please do not get a job. Do not send your child to school. Deliver groceries. Never be with other people during this period.

The safest way is to quarantine for 14 days. If you have an out-of-the-box inspection, you can quarantine it for at least 7 days from the date of return before taking the inspection.

I realize this wants a lot. If the risk while traveling is really very low (that is, if you only look at older parents who are already isolated and drive yourself), you may not need this complete protocol. But if you’re with someone who is at risk to you, know that you’re also at risk.

Keep in mind that COVID-19 is contagious and that nearly 60% of the spread is due to asymptomatic individuals. None of us would inadvertently infect others and want to raise the bar for the spread of the community where we live.

CNN: The community I return to is the hotspot itself. Do I still need to quarantine?

Wen: Yes. Just because you have a lot of COVID-19 in the area you’re returning to doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for keeping the level low. Overwhelming hospitals affect not only patients with coronavirus, but also patients with cancer and heart disease who may not receive the care they need.

CNN: What if I have a roommate who didn’t travel with me?

Wen: Normally, if you live at home with someone you didn’t go with during your trip, stay away from that person during the quarantine period. Don’t spend time in a shared space. If this is unavoidable (for example, sharing a toilet or kitchen), wear a mask, open windows and do not use either space at the same time. Keep in mind that if they also travel, they can be at risk themselves. Encourage them to follow the same quarantine protocol.

CNN: What should I do if I am a college student and I can’t move, such as when I quit school?

Wen: Some students were able to quarantine and then take the test before going home. In that case, it’s okay for them to meet their family, but they need to stay vigilant and avoid the dangerous behavior of meeting friends indoors. Those who cannot do so will need to be quarantined using the same procedure as above after returning to Japan. Ideally 14 days, otherwise at least 7 days, then take the test.

CNN: Do I have to follow all these steps for Christmas and New Year?

Wen: Yes. By then, the level of coronavirus infection is almost certain to be even higher, putting the hospital in a more dire position. It is highly recommended to postpone unnecessary trips. We are very close to getting a vaccine that allows us to see each other safely again. Please, let’s get over this winter. Maintain a safety device that is known to work. Wear a mask. Practice physical distance. Please do not gather indoors. I know it’s going to be hard, but I can survive this winter!

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