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Santa Clara County reports 499 new cases of coronavirus and 4 deaths


Santa Clara County, California — Santa Clara County Public Health Service report 499 additional coronavirus cases on Wednesday.

According to the latest report, the county-wide case count is 35,945.

The county reported four more coronavirus-related deaths on Wednesday, bringing the COVID-19 death toll to 486.

As of Wednesday, there were 287 COVID-19 patients admitted to Santa Clara County, 83 of whom were being treated in the intensive care unit.

Elsewhere around the Bay Area, Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to order economic closures and tightening shelter-in-place restrictions in the San Francisco Chronicle, a state-wide surge in COVID-19 cases. Report..

Newsum said Monday that additional restrictions could be “dramatic” as the pandemic goes out of control across the country and in California.

“It’s like a never-ending surge,” said Dr. Peter Chin Hong, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco, about the outbreak of coronavirus cases in the Bay Area over the past few weeks.

The vaccine may arrive in Santa Clara County in the coming weeks, and county leaders say they are planning on arrival. However, the county is solely responsible for distribution and storage logistics. Obtaining the first batch of vaccines has been set by the federal government and has additional state guidelines.

Due to the limited initial dose, vaccines are prioritized for healthcare professionals at greatest risk of contracting COVID-19.

Later, other front-line workers and communities affected by the pandemic will be prioritized, said Dr. Jennifer Ton, quasi-chief health officer at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, on Tuesday.

“It will take months before everyone who wants a vaccine can get it,” Tong said.

The county submitted a detailed plan to the state on Monday outlining vaccine management, community involvement, and distribution of COVID-19 and will be published shortly.

It is currently confirmed that the county receives vaccines directly from the county-operated hospital vaccine manufacturer, and that some healthcare providers, such as Kaiser, receive vaccines from the manufacturer at state direction. ..

However, it is still too early to know how many vaccines the county will give in the first batch.

Hospital capacity is high and mortality remains low due to the surge in COVID-19 cases in San Mateo County, but authorities are concerned about the coming weeks and urge people to take the necessary precautions. I will.

According to data from San Mateo County Health, county case rates increased by 85% from October to November.

According to the data, the number of new cases per day reached a record high of 168 cases on November 16.

There were a total of 14,812 cases and 170 deaths.

According to state data, the county’s unadjusted case rate per 100,000 people was 16.3 new cases per day (8.2 adjusted), compared to 4.1 new cases per day at the end of October (8.2 adjusted). 2.2 Adjusted).

The test positive rate remains low at 2.6%.

As a result, the county moved to the most restrictive layer (purple layer) of the state’s reopening system on Saturday. This bans many indoor activities and imposes a curfew on non-essential activities from 10 pm to 5 am.

During a media briefing on Wednesday, county manager Mike Charazy said the increase could be due to an increase in rallies and urged people to follow precautions.

“The message we’re sending to everyone right now is that it’s time to be very careful, really vigilant, and make sure you’re in compliance with all regulations,” Callagy said. ..

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As of Wednesday night, there were 1,265,182 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 19,410 coronavirus-related deaths in California, according to data from. Johns Hopkins University..

As of Wednesday night, 13,916,543 COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the United States, with 273,316 coronavirus-related deaths.

As of Wednesday night, there were 64,447,657 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 1,491,559 deaths reported worldwide.

— Bay City News contributed to this report

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