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First shipment of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in the US


Live: First shipment of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine in the US
Healthcare professionals perform a coronavirus test on the swab samples they collect.

According to data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Saturday, there have been 30,005 new Covid-19 infections in the last 24 hours, with a total of over 98 cases in India and now reaching 98,26,775. Cumulative casualties reached 1,42,628 after 442 new virus-related deaths were reported in one day. The country has reported more discharges than new cases in the last 24 hours, reducing the aggregate of active cases to 3,59,819. This is the worst after almost 145 days. The total number of active cases on July 18 was 3,58,692. Currently, the total number of discharges has reached 93,24,328, with 33,494 new discharges in the last 24 hours. 74,408 coronaviruses are active in Maharashtra, followed by 59,528 cases in Kerala.

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Meanwhile, the United States has given final approval to the United States’ first Covid-19 vaccine, showing that it could mark the beginning of an outbreak that killed nearly 300,000 Americans. The United States currently has 16 million active cases, making it the most devastating country in the world.

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09:28 PM IS

Gujarat reports 1,175 new Covid-19 cases and 11 new deaths

According to the State Department of Health, 1,175 new Covid-19 infections and 11 deaths resulted in a total of 227,683 infections and 4,171 deaths in Gujarat.

The total recovery rate was 210,214 patients, with 1,347 new recovery reported on Sunday and 13,298 active cases.

On Sunday, PTI reports that it conducted 55,989 tests, which took a total of 8,669,576 tests.

07:17 PM IS

TN reports 1,195 new Covid-19 infections, 12 deaths

According to the State Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, there have been 1,195 new infections and 12 deaths in the last 24 hours, with a total of 798,888 cases and 11,895 deaths for Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu.

The total recovery rate reached 776,878 and 1,276 were discharged on Sunday. TN currently has 10,115 active cases, ANI reports.

07:13 PM IS

Gore’s Covid-19 totaled 49,362 cases, killing 706 people

According to the state health department, 57 new Covid-19 infections and one death were reported on Sunday, bringing the total number of Covid-19 cases in Goa to 49,362 and 706 deaths.

After 101 patients were discharged, the state’s total recovery reached 47,590. There are 1,066 active cases in the state.

To date, a total of 370,690 tests have been conducted in the state, with 803 tests conducted on Sunday, PTI reports.

07:00 PM IS

Indonesia reports 6,189 new Covid-19 infections, 166 new deaths

The Indonesian Ministry of Health reported 6,189 new Covid-19 cases and 166 new deaths on Sunday, bringing the country’s casualties to a total of 617,280 cases and 18,819 deaths.

ANI reports that 4,460 people have been discharged from the hospital and the total national recovery rate has reached 505,836.

06:47 PM IS

Maharashtra reports 3,717 new cases and 70 deaths

Maharashtra reported 3,717 new coronavirus infections, bringing the state’s total to 18,80,416. After 70 new deaths, the death toll increased to 48,209.

06:44 PM IS

Tamil Nadu reports 1,195 new infections and 12 deaths

Tamil Nadu reported 1,195 new coronavirus infections and collected state counts at 7,98,888, including 10,115 active cases. The 1,276 emissions mean that the total number of emissions is currently 7,76,878. After 12 new deaths, the death toll increased to 11,895.

06:12 PM IS

Delhi reports 1,984 new cases and 33 deaths

The national capital reported 1,984 new cases, bringing the total to 6,07,454. A 2539 recovery means that the current total recovery is 5,80,655, while the number of active cases is 16,785. The death toll after 33 new deaths is 10,014.

05:51 PM IS

Russia reports 28,080 new coronavirus infections, 488 deaths

Russia recorded 28,080 new Covid-19 infections, bringing the country’s total to 2,653,928. The death toll after the 488 new deaths is 46,941.

05:36 PM

Andhra Pradesh reports 506 new cases

Andhra Pradesh reported 506 new coronavirus infections and collected state tabulations at 8,75,531 including 4,966 active cases.

05:34 PM

UP records 1,441 fresh cases, 16 deaths

Uttar Pradesh reported 1,441 new Covid-19 cases, bringing the state to a total of 5,65,556 cases. After 16 new deaths, the death toll increased to 8,072.

05:17 PM IS

Germany planning to impose stricter coronavirus restrictions

Chancellor Angela Merkel today announced that she will close most stores, including all non-essential stores, from December 16th to January 10th to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.

04:32 PM IS

Swiss hospitals call on health ministers to tighten restrictions on coronavirus

In a letter to Swiss Health Minister Alain Berset, directors of university hospitals in Zurich, Bern, Basel, Lausanne and Geneva are forced to postpone surgery on other life-threatening patients during intensive care. There was a shortage of beds that asked for stricter coronavirus restrictions.

03:03 PM IS

393 test positive for Covid-19 in Orissa within 24 hours

After 393 positives in the last 24 hours, Odisha’s Covid-19 totals surged to 3,23,757 on Sunday. Five people died of the disease, bringing the total death toll to 1,807. There are currently 3,214 activities in Orissa, with 3,18,683 people recovering to date.

First Edition: December 13, 2020 07:11 IST


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