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As coronavirus cases increase in Ohio prisons, DeWine will consider when staff and prisoners will be vaccinated


Columbus, Ohio — Governor Mike DeWine said Tuesday that prisoners and staff would be vaccinated against the disease as cases of coronavirus increased again in prisons in Ohio. Said it was still working.

“This is an ongoing task,” the governor said in a television coronavirus briefing, but prison officials said that vaccine eligibility was “certainly a high priority in the next ranking.” It was. Ohio this week.

The general eligibility ranking of vaccines is determined by considering how many lives can be saved and how effectively it prevents the spread of the community, DeWine said.

During the first weeks of the coronavirus crisis this spring, the virus spread rapidly to Ohio prisons. At some point in April, Marion Correctional Facility It was the best COVID-19 hotspot in Japan..Dewin administration Priority test in prison that occurred, Revealed that many inmates who tested positive did not show symptoms.

The incident fell in late summer, but in the fall it surged again across 28 state prisons and Ohio.

As of Tuesday, state data showed that a total of 3,092 Ohio prison personnel tested positive for the coronavirus. This is an increase of more than 80% since November 8th, when 1,700 staff members gave positive test results. According to SEIU District 1199, A union that represents many of the workers.

According to state statistics, the number of cases of coronavirus in prisons has also increased, increasing from 481 in September to 500 in the first half of December.

As of Tuesday, 109 prisoners and 7 personnel had died from the coronavirus.

State prison agencies have a long list, from encouraging employees to work remotely to protect prisoners and workers, to deploying sanitary crews to disinfect surfaces on a regular basis. JoEllen Smith, a spokeswoman for the agency, said in an email.

According to Smith, staff are tested where positive cases are identified and wastewater is monitored weekly to detect signs of the virus. All prisoners entering Ohio prisons, including those returning from court hearings, undergo a medical examination.

“Individuals working in prisons are essential to the safe operation of these facilities and are grateful for the efforts they make every day,” Smith said in a statement.

According to Smith, state prison director Annette Chambers Smith and other agency leaders are currently discussing vaccines for staff and prisoners.

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union in Ohio sent DeWine letter He urged prisoners to prioritize coronavirus vaccination, noting that they were often socially distant and unable to share food and bathroom facilities.

“Priorizing prisoner vaccination is not only morally and legally essential, but also practical,” Ohio leader ACLU wrote in a letter. “Like other incubator environments such as nursing homes, the epidemic of illness in prisons is an important vector of illness for the surrounding community.”

Read more The story of the Ohio coronavirus:

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