Residents may lack facilities to administer the Covid-19 vaccine in some states
Due to the largest vaccination effort in US history, some states have sufficient facilities to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to all residents who need it in some areas. May not be in. University of Pittsburgh Faculty of Pharmacy And non-profit organizations West Health Policy Center..
It is believed to be the first county-level analysis of potential COVID-19 vaccine facilities in the country, including regional pharmacies, federal-qualified medical centers, outpatient departments of hospitals, and local medical clinics. More than one-third (35%) of researchers have less than two facilities in US counties, and nearly one in ten counties has less than one facility per 10,000 inhabitants.
“In the United States, there is significant geographic variation in population access to potential COVID-19 vaccination facilities, especially at the county level,” said Inmaculada Hernandez, Pharm.D, assistant professor and senior author of the Pitt School of Pharmacy. , Ph.D. Says. Of research.
“This highlights the need for state and local public health authorities to tailor vaccine distribution and dosing plans to specific populations and the current limitations of the state’s existing healthcare infrastructure,” Pitt said. Said Dr. Lucas Berenbrok, an assistant professor at. First author of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Research.
Researchers have used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software to map over 70,000 potential COVID-19 vaccination facilities and are the most simulated citizens, including high-risk populations aged 65 and over. We calculated the average driving distance to a nearby facility.
The counties with the fewest vaccination facilities by population are in Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana and Virginia. In terms of driving distance, residents of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas face the longest drives, with more than 10% more than 10 miles away from the nearest facility. I live.
It’s even worse for the elderly. In 12% of counties, at least half of the elderly have a drive of 10 miles or more. In North Dakota and South Dakota, 25% of older people are more than 10 miles away from the facility.
“We have conducted an analysis to help states and counties across the United States identify potential problem areas for vaccination, develop effective strategies, and take steps to overcome them. “That said Tim Rush, president of the West Health Policy Center. “Obviously, there are certain places in the country that need more help and support than others.”
Researchers may consider adding vaccination clinics to state and local governments in areas with short driving distances and low density of facilities to increase capacity and reduce vaccination time. It suggests that there is sex. Conversely, in areas with long driving distances, mobile vaccination clinics can benefit from reducing travel-related barriers. Also, to ensure adequate vaccine intake, a vaccine that requires only one dose instead of two is more effective.
“Facility density and distance metrics can not only identify the most appropriate strategies for increasing capacity and convenience in each region, but can also guide state authorities in vaccine selection,” the paper said. Said Sean Dixon, director of Western Health Policy, co-author of the. Center. “If a large number of people are serviced at a small number of vaccination points, they will need additional support to store and dispense the vaccine.”
Photo information:
Caption: Number of facilities per 10,000 residents
Credits: Inmaculada Hernandez, Pharm.D. , Ph.D.
(Click the image for the high resolution version)
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