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Democrats tear the Sackler family and persuade doctors during cross-examination of the house


Person in charge Raja KrishnamoorthiSubramanian (King) King KrishnamoorthiEnforcement of the Presidential Records Act is essential to maintain the transparency and history of our democracy Clinton Congratulates Elliot Page’s Announcement HHS abolishes celebrity COVID-19 advertising campaign aimed at “defeating despair” More (D-Ill.) In a virtual hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Thursday, he sharply criticized members of the Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, who investigated the company’s involvement in the opioid addiction crisis.

Krishnamti pointed out the expensive real estate purchased by a trust related to David Sackler during the worst opioid crisis in the United States and accused Sackler of being “engaged in money.”

“Mr. Sackler, I know people have become addicted to prescription drugs like Oxycontin. I submit that you and your family are addicted to money,” said MP. I did.

Neither David Sackler nor others at the hearing responded directly to Krishnamoorthi’s allegations. Turning to Purdue Pharma’s president, Craig Landau, Krishnamoorthi asked if he felt he had any role in opioid addiction death in the United States. Feel responsible for death from misuse of opioids.

Landau counterattacked, claiming that the slide in question had never been presented to FDA officials and that he did not feel personally responsible.

“Never, that’s what I’m saying,” Landau replied.

Purdue manufactures OxyContin.I ’m Steve Miller, Chairman of the Board. Plead guilty Last month, on behalf of the company, it filed three federal accusations related to responding to the crisis, including misleading the DEA and providing doctors with rebates to prescribe opioids.

Krishnamti told Landau that he should take responsibility for the company’s actions in light of these guilty plea.

“Dr. Landau, the CDC looked at Oxycontin and said:” There is no other drug that is routinely used in non-fatal conditions that often kill patients. “Dr. Landau, I am you Remember what the CDC found when you asked the bankruptcy court for a $ 3 million bonus at this point, and you actually help you and your product create. “

Landau replied that not feeling regret for the death caused by oxycontin addiction and misuse was “inhuman”, but believed that the drug helped many Americans suffering from chronic pain. He added that he was.

A Purdue spokesman said last month that “responsibility for past misconduct provides creditors with billions of dollars in value and financial resources and life-saving medicines to combat the opioid crisis. It’s an important step in moving our goals forward. “

The surge in opioid use in the United States has made overdose the number one cause of death for Americans under the age of 50, with tens of thousands of Americans still dying from opioid overdose each year.

The crisis is intensifying throughout the United States, even as the United States continues to focus on the coronavirus pandemic.

Ohio Health Department Said in the report This week, Massachusetts state officials said that this year’s state overdose deaths were at a pace that previously broke the record-breaking annual record set in 2017. saw Deaths from opioid overdose are also on the rise.


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