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Studies show that individuals with high ADHD traits are more vulnerable to insomnia

Studies show that individuals with high ADHD traits are more vulnerable to insomnia


Has been updated:
December 19, 2020 11:46 IS

Washinton [US], December 19 (ANI): Individuals with high ADHD traits who do not meet diagnostic criteria are less able to perform tasks, including attention control or emotional control after sleepless nights, than individuals with low ADHD traits. .. New research.
A study by the Karolinska Institute was published in the Biological Psychofiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Report.
Although it can cause multiple cognitive deficits, there are considerable individual differences in susceptibility to the effects of insomnia. The reason for this volatility has long been an open research topic. In this study, KI researchers investigated how sleep deprivation affects our executive function, the central cognitive process that governs our thoughts and behaviors. They also wanted to see if people with ADHD tendencies were more sensitive to insomnia and, as a result, had more severe dysfunction.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Careless, Impulsivity And hyperactivity; however, symptoms vary from person to person and often include emotional instability.
“Many people are asymptomatic ADHD-like symptoms However, the diagnosis is made only when the symptoms become so prominent that they interfere with our daily lives, “said a psychiatric consultant at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Predragpetrovich, who is also an associate professor and led the study with Tina, said. Sundelin and John Axelsson, researchers at both the Karolinska Institute and the Stress Institute at Stockholm University.

The study included 180 healthy participants between the ages of 17 and 45 who had not been diagnosed with ADHD. The tendency to inattention and emotional instability was assessed on the Brown Attention Deficit Disorder (B-ADD) scale.
Participants were randomly assigned to two groups. One was allowed normal sleep and the other was deprived of sleep overnight. The next day, he was instructed to run a test that measures executive function and emotional control (a neutral, emotional-faced Stroop test).
Researchers found that sleep-deprived groups performed worse on tasks (including more cognitive variability). In addition, people with high ADHD traits were more vulnerable to sleep deprivation and showed greater disability than those with low ADHD traits.
Efficacy is also associated with the most prominent types of symptoms such as asymptomatic ADHD, and participants who show more routine problems with emotional instability after being deprived of sleep have emotional regulation. I had a bigger problem with cognitive tasks including.More every day Careless Symptoms were more problematic with non-emotional cognitive tasks.
“One of the reasons these results are important is that we know that young people sleep much less than they did ten years ago,” explains Dr. Petrovic. “Regular sleep deprivation in adolescents with high ADHD characteristics can lead to cognitive decline and even clinically significant levels of symptoms.” (ANI)


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