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The algorithm puts only 7 residents on Stanford’s first COVID-19 vaccine distribution list

The algorithm puts only 7 residents on Stanford’s first COVID-19 vaccine distribution list
The algorithm puts only 7 residents on Stanford’s first COVID-19 vaccine distribution list


According to a December 17 letter sent by the Stanford Medical School Residents Council, the algorithm for determining which Stanford Medical School employees will receive 5,000 initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine is on the list. Included 7 medical residents / fellows. The Stanford Medical School leadership has since apologized and promised to reassess the plan.

A spokesperson for Stanford University School of Medicine said in a statement, “We are fully responsible for any mistakes in implementing the vaccine distribution program.” The Verge.. “Our intention was to develop an ethical and impartial process for distributing vaccines. During the pandemic response to the entire community, including residents, fellows and other front-line healthcare providers. We apologize for acting heroically. We are immediately revising our plans to improve the order of vaccine distribution. “

The original plan is Demonstration by medical staff In addition to the letter sent by the Chief Resident Council.

“Stanford’s decision to lower the priority of residents and peers is defenseless on the basis of science, reason, ethics and equality,” the letter said. (((ProPublica Hosting Document Cloud Complete Letter.. “Many of us know senior faculty members who have been working from home since the pandemic began in March 2020 and have been selected for vaccination and are not directly responsible for the patient. Meanwhile, we residents and associates wore N95 masks for the decade of this pandemic, but had no clear and clear plans for protection. “

Residents’ letters also claim that an algorithm error was discovered on Tuesday, but the leadership chose not to “revise the allocation scheme” prior to its December 17 release.

The algorithm reportedly worked as follows: According to NPR:

According to emails sent by the Chief Resident to other residents, Stanford University leaders explained that the algorithm was used to assign the initial allocation of vaccines. The algorithm is said to prioritize healthcare professionals at highest risk of COVID infection, along with factors such as age, hospital location and unit. Residents apparently did not have a assigned place, and with their typical young age, they were dropped to the bottom of the priority list.

Stanford Medical School also sent an email to staff on December 18 to apologize for the original plan and promising changes. “We are working quickly to address the flaws in the plan and develop a revised version,” said the email. was gotten Along ProPublica Healthcare reporter Caroline Chen. “We are optimistic about the arrival of large numbers of vaccines next week, which will allow a significant portion of the community to be vaccinated.”

The Food and Drug Administration has approved two COVID-19 vaccines for use in the United States.Vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech approved December 11th, And the one developed by Moderna has been approved December 18..

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