Emergency meeting on new “out of control” variant
Union Ministry of Health has convened an emergency meeting of its top advisors to discuss the emergence of variants. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears In England. The mutation led to a massive surge in cases in southeastern England and London, prompting some countries to make ground flights from the country. The Joint Oversight Group is chaired by the Director of Health Services. Experts such as representatives of the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR), and the World Health Organization (WHO) will attend the emergency conference. Meanwhile, in a tweet, Rajasthan’s Prime Minister Jerot said: New stock The number of new coronaviruses emerging in the UK is a major concern. The government must take immediate action, prepare an emergency response plan that includes it, and immediately ban all flights from the United Kingdom and other European countries. “
On December 19, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that newly identified virus strains could be up to 70% more infectious. His health minister, Matt Hancock, said the new variant was “out of control.” After reports of mutant strains came to the fore, several European countries, including Saudi Arabia and Italy, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, immediately banned round-trip flights to the United Kingdom. WHO tweeted late Saturday, saying, “We have been in close contact with UK authorities about the new COVID-19 virus variant and promised to update the government and the general public as more is learned.” ..
A new variant of COVID-19 “out of control”
New, more discoveries Strong strain Found in parts of Europe, including the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and Austria, COVID-19 is world-wide, despite the British government stating that a new variant of the new coronavirus is 70% contagious and kind. I rang a warning bell inside. “Out of control”. The British government has imposed strict blockades on London and Southeast England during the Christmas celebrations following the emergence of this new variant. Countries such as Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands announced on Sunday the suspension of air links, and in some cases rail and ferry routes, from the United Kingdom, fearing a potential influx of travelers from the United Kingdom. did.
Mutations may be geographically specific
Giridhar R, a member of the National Task Force of COVID-19. Babu had previously told IANS that it would be premature to impose a travel ban in India without detailed studies to determine the symptoms and severity of the new strain.New information on antigenic drift in the United Kingdom and South Africa is the result of widespread community infections, as the virus seeks to find a way by altering its genetic lineage to survive and humans try to duck it. is needed vaccine.. These changes are probably geographically specific.
Members of the COVID Task Force say it’s too early to impose a travel ban
“The link between genetic lineage and mutation changes, and clinical symptoms and severity will be investigated in detail in India. Without such evidence, it would be premature to impose a travel ban.” Bab, a professor at the Indian Public Health Foundation (PHFI) and head of life course epidemiology, inferred.
Experts in favor of banning air travel to prevent the invasion of variants
However, the majority of Indian public health experts argued that the country should close the sky to prevent newly mutated coronaviruses from entering here. Lalit Kant, a former head of epidemiology and infectious diseases at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has been found to be highly contagious and should take all steps to prevent mutated variants from entering the country. I suggested that.
Infectivity of new variants increased from 24% to 70% in one month
In the first week of November, the infectivity of the latest variants was 24%, but within a month it rose exponentially to 70%, as we are talking about. Therefore, given these evidences, India must make a swift decision, at least banning air travel from countries where its emergence is seen, “Kant added. “If a new strain affects the country’s population, it will have a serious impact on people with comorbidities and will put a heavy burden on hospitals witnessed by India during the recent surge in COVID,” he said. I warned you.
Sumiya Deep Baumik, a public health expert at the George Institute for Global Health, said India learned from the past and lost an important time to contain the virus due to indecision in February and March. He said that mistakes should not be repeated. “The country must ban all international flights,” he said while talking to IANS. The virus is spreading incredibly rapidly, with reports of cases spreading in European countries. It’s only a matter of time before it reaches India. Since Europe is a free trader, people who have recently traveled to Europe can return to India with the potential to carry the latest stocks.
(With input from IANS)
Release date: December 21, 2020 14:28
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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