Covid Vaccine: Play Safely!
Jeyakumar devaraj A more carefully measured approach is needed for different vaccines.
It is clear that the Covid vaccine needs to be used to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.
If a significant portion of our population is immune, the prevalence of coronavirus will be reduced, even if only partially, for a year or two.
That means we can reduce the level of physical distance, more people can return to work or business, and our economy can begin to recover.
Nearly 60 Covid vaccines have been developed, some of which have already been administered in high doses. However, it is important to do it correctly and make sure that the “treatment” does not cause new health problems.
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Vaccines work by presenting one or more viral proteins to a subject, guiding the subject’s immune system, and developing antibodies that can neutralize the actual virus if it attacks the subject. I will.
Covid vaccines can be divided into two main groups.
- Vaccines that use inactivated Covid virus or laboratory-produced Covid protein to stimulate this immune response
- Vaccines that use new techniques to build the subject’s own body produce the Covid protein, which in turn stimulates the subject’s immune system to produce neutralizing antibodies.
“Old Tech” Vaccine
The first group of Covid vaccines relies on old, tested vaccine technology that has been used for the past 50 years to produce vaccines for a variety of diseases.
The medical community is familiar with the potential shortcomings of this first group. These include inadequate inactivation of the virus. This means that the virus can still replicate in the subject’s body.
Side effects can be caused by the chemicals used to inactivate the virus, or by various adjuvants used to increase the body’s response to viral proteins. (Aluminum is one of the adjuvants used to “stimulate” the immune system.)
More sophisticated vaccine
The second group of Covid vaccines consists of RNA or DNA that directs cells to make Covid peplomer proteins when this genetic material is injected. This approach is new and has not been used to produce vaccines for mass vaccination campaigns.
This “canggih” (sophisticated) approach involves injecting the genetic code of the Covid spike protein into the subject’s body. This genetic code enters the subject’s cells and tricks the subject’s ribosome into producing thousands of copies of the Covid peplomer.
Ribosomes are intracellular organelles that produce proteins, as directed by the cell’s nucleus. The nucleus sends messenger RNA to the ribosome, telling what type of protein it produces.
These modern Covid vaccines rely on messenger RNA, which encodes the Covid protein.
In Pfizer and moderna vaccineThe messenger RNA (mRNA) that encodes the Covid spike protein is placed in fine phospholipid capsules, many of which are injected into the subject.
These capsules circulate in the blood and slide into specific cells in the body, where mRNA directs the ribosomes of these cells to produce Covid-peplomer proteins.
Some of these peplomer molecules are pushed out of the cell into the bloodstream, drawing the attention of the immune system, which produces antibodies to these peplomer proteins. Spike proteins protruding from “infected” cells also induce killer lymphocytes to attack and kill these cells.
These modern vaccines may be more effective than traditional vaccines in that they elicit more cellular responses (killer lymphocytes).
But that’s part of their problem. These latest vaccines involve some destruction of the cells of interest. Do the developers of these vaccines know for sure that phospholipid capsules do not slip into nerve or kidney cells? These are tissues that cannot be regenerated, especially if they are damaged.
Also, the long-term consequences of stimulating the body’s immune system and exposing it to cellular antigens released by the destruction of RNA “infected” cells are unknown. Can this induce autoimmune disease in some of those exposed in that way?
Autoimmune disease is a condition in which the body’s immune system begins to attack certain parts of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is an example of an autoimmune disease, and it is not yet known why it affects certain people and what causes it.
Do Covid vaccines, which rely on the production of viral proteins in our own cells, cause autoimmune disease in those with such a predisposition? We do not know. It may not happen, but should we make sure it doesn’t happen before we inject this vaccine into millions of people?
The· Oxford-AstraZeneca and Sputnik V Vaccines Another strategy is to deliver the Covid gene code of the peplomer protein to target cells.
Converts Covid code to DNA. It is more stable and does not require ultra-low temperature storage. The DNA is then placed in a modified adenovirus. Adenovirus cannot replicate in the subject’s body. These modified adenoviruses deliver the DNA code to the cells of interest.
Because adenoviruses cause respiratory tract infections, these vaccines are less likely to infect respiratory tissue and affect nerve and kidney cells.
However, because these vaccines use DNA to encode spike proteins, the vaccine-delivered DNA can enter the nucleus of the subject’s cells and direct the subject’s ribosome to produce spike proteins. Must be generated.
The deliberate insertion of foreign DNA into the nucleus of human cells is something we should not underestimate. We know that in certain viral infections, viral DNA becomes integrated into human chromosomes. It occurs with hepatitis B and HIV infection.
Are you sure that a Covid vaccine that uses DNA will probably not cause this in a small number of cases? Does this viral gene interact with other genes in our genome and cause health problems? It may not be, but should we take that risk?
See alternatives
Let’s clarify here. I’m not an anti-boxer. Vaccines have played a major role in the management of infectious diseases for the past 50 years, but they will certainly play a major role in the future.
The key question is whether desperate measures, such as the global rollout of new RNA and DNA vaccines, are needed before carefully checking that they do not cause unexpected adverse effects in the medium to long term.
After all, there are other effective options. Some Covid vaccines are manufactured using traditional vaccine technology. These “old tech” vaccines are RNA- and DNA-independent and do not involve the cells of interest in the production of viral antigens.
Old-fashioned vaccines are composed of Covid viral proteins that can be injected into the subject’s body. These include CoronaVac, Zhifei vaccine and Novavax. There are several others.
Want to use these old technology vaccines to control the Covid pandemic? Why adopt the latest technology that is not properly evaluated and can have serious side effects in the medium to long term?
Don’t be naive
Many vaccine manufacturers’ claims about compensation clauses in government agreements are clear evidence that manufacturers themselves cannot rule out serious medium- to long-term side effects.
We are very naive if we do not pay attention to the motives of profit when assessing a country’s vaccine strategy. Vaccine manufacturers can make enormous profits if vaccines are used globally. The indemnification clause protects you from proceedings in the event of any problems.
We need to think globally and take into account the significant impact of major pharmaceutical companies on Western governments and regulators.
Geopolitical bias should also be taken into account when assessing that Western media often despise news coverage of non-Western Covid vaccines.
Careful approach
Malaysia is not as dire as the US and EU countries where failure to perform physical distance measurements has led to today’s horrific levels of infection and hospitalization.
Currently, new cases have reached up to 2,000 per day, which is not very successful, but at a much lower rate than in many other countries.
Covid is not a health emergency that could overwhelm our healthcare services, as it is in some Western countries. Therefore, there is no need to take desperate measures.
Based on the above considerations, my friends and I would like to suggest the following:
- It relies on older technology vaccines that inject viral proteins into the subject. Do not experiment with our population with the “canggih” vaccine, which uses new RNA and DNA technologies. Its medium- to long-term adverse effects are currently unknown.
- First provide old technology Covid vaccines to high-risk groups, such as healthcare professionals, other front-line personnel, the elderly, and people with comorbidities (other health problems), and then to the entire population I will. However, do not make it mandatory for a particular group.Let people make informed choices
- Provide clear information to the public. All vaccines have side effects and the general public has the right to know them. Given the level of distrust of Western authorities, some of the suspicions expressed there will filter Malaysia. The best way to deal with this distrust is to be honest with our people.Authorities should tell people what they know, and also what we don’t know about these vaccines yet.
- Providing old technology Covid vaccine to residents free of charge
- Perform post-Covid vaccination monitoring to obtain accurate estimates of the symptoms and side effects that result from the vaccine. Communicate these findings to people so they can make informed choices about getting vaccinated.
The Ministry of Health is conducting a poll to confirm the Malaysian people’s attitude towards the Covid vaccine.
This is an opportunity for civil society groups and stakeholders to speak out and seek a carefully measured approach to mass vaccination of Malaysian citizens.
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