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Influenza cases remain unusually low while COVID-19 is rampant


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Influenza activity has been minimized in the United States this winter.David Rider / Getty Images
  • In the United States, the flu season is unusually mild, and most states have minimal flu activity.
  • By this time last year, influenza had spread in the United States, with more than 9 million cases reported.
  • Moderate influenza activity is seen in some states, including Mississippi.

The flu seems to have taken the backseat during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By this time last year, influenza had spread in 45 states.More than that time 9 million Cases have been reported in the United States, and the death of a child due to influenza is just High price for the first time in 17 years..

This year’s flu season will not change anymore.

Influenza outbreaks occur in certain states, such as Mississippi and Texas, but the United States continues to have an unusually mild influenza season.

But even in the least active states, influenza is prevalent.

Most states report minimal influenza activity, according to the latest reports Influenza report From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, some states report more than minimal influenza activity.

Moderate influenza activity is seen in Mississippi, most often Jackson..

South Carolina And Nevada It reports higher than the minimum activity.

Nevada Influenza vaccination rate It is well below the national average.

Currently, it is estimated that 21.7 percent of Nevada’s population is vaccinated against influenza.For reference, last year’s average national influenza vaccination was about 52 percent..

Influenza activity is also increasing in Texas. Influenza monitoring map From Walgreens based on prescription data for influenza antivirals.

Even in areas experiencing moderate activity, cases are still significantly lower than those normally reported in the country.

Influenza is in Alabama, according to Walgreens data Georgia..

two Influenza-related death Reported in Georgia last week Alabama He reported a slight increase in influenza cases before and after the holidays.

Arkansas Eighth flu-related deaths were reported this week. Delaware Reported the first flu-related death of last week’s season.

He said the unusually low levels of influenza observed across the country were likely due to the mitigation measures used for COVID-19. Dr. Scott Kaiser, Board-certified family physician and geriatric physician at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

“Wearing a mask, physically distanced and washing your hands is important not only to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but also to protect it from the spread of influenza,” Kaiser said. ..

In South Carolina, influenza activity is milder than normal. But instead, there are rhinoviruses that cause the common cold.

Dr. Elizabeth MackA pediatric emergency physician at the Medical University of South Carolina Children’s Health said there were a large number of cases of rhinovirus this year. This trend has been reported nationwide.

Most people infected with the rhinovirus experience a runny nose and cough, and he said he was well, but younger children and older adults are especially vulnerable.

“It only hits people differently,” Mack said.

Mack has seen several cases of infants with rhinovirus bronchiolitis. She said it was unclear what was driving this trend.

Some infectious disease experts suspect Rhinovirus Jump-starting the immune system can help prevent influenza.

Recent research Researchers at Yale University examined clinical data from patients with respiratory infections and found that the spread of the common cold reduced influenza activity.

According to a Yale University study, if the tissue covering the airways of the lungs was recently exposed to rhinovirus, the influenza virus could not infect the tissue.

It is unclear how rhinovirus played a major role in influenza activity this season and whether coronavirus could have similar effects.

Coinfection — between Rhinovirus and influenza In addition to COVID-19 and influenza — Known to occur.

Influenza is widespread nationwide, so it is important to keep the flu safe.

Influenza is usually at its best by this time, Peak by February And it lasts throughout spring.

“At this point, it’s clear that flu activity is significantly lower than last year, but now that flu activity could definitely increase in the coming months. It’s not time to be alert, “Kaiser said.

And it’s never too late to get a flu shot.

“It’s a bit late, but if someone hasn’t been vaccinated, I would recommend it at this point in the season,” Mack said.

Influenza lags behind COVID-19 this year, but influenza is widespread throughout the United States.

Data show that influenza has spread in Texas and Mississippi, and that several states, including Nevada and South Carolina, are experiencing mild activity.

Most states report minimal influenza activity.

The flu season usually peaks around February and lasts until spring. Therefore, flu specialists are advised to be vigilant and to be vaccinated if they have not been vaccinated against the flu.


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