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Hundreds of cancer surgeries have been canceled in London due to a flood of hospitals with Covid patients

Hundreds of cancer surgeries have been canceled in London due to a flood of hospitals with Covid patients


Hundreds of cancer surgeries London The city has been reportedly canceled due to a flood of Covid patients.

Mayor Sadiq Khan Today, hospitals in the capital have declared a major incident with a harsh warning that beds will run short-as the number of infected people. Coronavirus In some areas it reached 1 in 30.

Almost half of London’s beds are occupied by 7,200 Covid patients, as the UK endured more than 68,000 new diagnoses of the virus on Friday, killing 1,325 people. This is the highest daily casualty ever.

Doctors and nurses in the capital are desperately urged to work at the Excel Center in East London Nightingale Hospital, Helps recover patients who are no longer positive on the coronavirus test.

Hospitals are also asking medical staff to make additional shifts to help understaffed wards.

However, as the number of viral patients increases, most hospital “green sites” intended to remain in the Covid-free zone are “at risk” in the leaked NHS England cancer resilience program. Is explained. Independent Report.

London needs to treat more than 500 cancer patients a week to stay ahead of demand, but this week only 122 cancer patients were treated at the capital’s NHS hospital and 101 at private hospitals. There is a shortage of 277 cancer patients who have been delayed. , According to the report.

According to the report, 3,840 patients were already waiting for their first cancer treatment in London beyond their 62-day goal.

These are “priority 2” patients who must receive treatment within 4 weeks or are facing life-threatening or loss of limbs.

A senior NHS source said: ‘My concern is that this will die by default. No one talks about it, is honest, or tells us what we can do, and we are happy with the loss of life. I don’t know where ethical considerations are being discussed.

“We need to be honest with the masses and stop pretending that this isn’t happening.”

The National Bureau of Statistics found in its mass testing program that nearly two-thirds (61%) of the positive tests found in the United Kingdom appear to be associated with a new variant of the virus. This number was high in some areas, especially in London and the South, but low in others.

The National Bureau of Statistics found in its mass testing program that nearly two-thirds (61%) of the positive tests found in the United Kingdom appear to be associated with a new variant of the virus. This number was high in some areas, especially in London and the South, but low in others.

Hospitals across London now have to open more and more beds for their patients, but staff shortages remain a major concern.

King’s College Hospital staff were told today that there are nearly 700 coronavirus patients across the two trust-managed hospitals.

Performance director Adam Creeggan said increasing levels of social mixing at Christmas contributed to the second peak of admissions at King’s College Hospital and maintained near-peak levels of admission at Princess Royal University Hospital. I did.

UK approves MODERNA COVID vaccine but will not be given until March

The UK has approved Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine, but it is not possible to get the 17 million doses of vaccine purchased until March at the earliest.

Modena’s Covid Jab is the third to be given a green light by UK regulators, joining the vaccine made by Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford University / AstraZeneca.

Health Minister Matt Hancock admitted that No10 wouldn’t be taken until spring, but said, “This is even better news and another weapon for tame this terrible illness.” And business secretary Alok Sharma described it as “another big step towards ending the blockade.”

The EU, which approved the same vaccine two days ago, will receive jabs starting next week after the director of health signed a contract with a US company to buy 180 million doses last summer.

Was the extra jab a blessing as Britain scrambled 13 million vulnerable Britons to vaccinate, hoping to end the constant cycle of blockades by mid-February? I don’t know.

Modena’s vaccine was the second vaccine to announce the results of its final clinical trials in November, following Pfizer and BioNTech. They showed that the vaccine appeared to prevent 94.5 percent of Covid cases.

Scientists said it was a big bet for Britain to order both, as Modena and Pfizer use the same technology they have never tried.

At North Middlesex Hospital, 54% of beds are used by Covid patients.

We asked the London Regional Team of NHS England for comment.

VinDiwakar, NHS Medical Director in London, told MailOnline: Make the most of sites in sectors independent of existing NHS facilities.

“On behalf of our NHS staff, I tell Londoners: We are dependent on you. Staying at home and doing everything possible to reduce virus infection, I Help us save lives.

The UK celebrated its worst day since the Covid pandemic began on Friday after the Director of Health declared an additional 1,325 deaths and a record 68,053 infections.

The horrific death toll, which doubles in a week and exceeds the 1,224 declared on April 21st, the darkest day of the first wave, puts Britain at risk of nearly 80,000 casualties.

Experts fear that daily deaths will continue to skyrocket due to spikes in cases and hospitalizations, speeding up a sluggish vaccination program designed to free the UK from blockades by mid-February We are putting more pressure on Boris Johnson to do so.

According to Ministry of Health statistics, more than 50,000 cases have been recorded in the UK for 11 consecutive days, with all five of the worst pandemics occurring since the beginning of 2021. Cases increase by almost 30% weekly.

However, SAGE officials today warned that the actual number of British people infected daily today is close to 150,000, claiming that the size of the second wave is much worse than the first wave.

Sources also said that the UK’s third national blockade would “lower the R rate, as in March,” as the UK is dealing with more infectious mutants and reduced compliance with the rules. I’m afraid there won’t be.

The drastic measures announced a few days ago have not yet affected the crisis, as it can take a week for a patient to develop symptoms and be tested.

However, SAGE officials argued that strict restrictions suppress the spread of the virus because it suppresses the social interaction in which the virus thrives.

As yet another sign that a dark day is coming, the No. 10 advisory board reveals that the R rate has reached 1.4 in the UK or that outbreaks are increasing at similar rates in all seven UK regions. did.

However, this number reflects the situation the UK found before Christmas and is not the current situation due to the data used in the calculations.

Last week, SAGE estimated that this number (the average number of people infected with the virus) was between 1.1 and 1.3.


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