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Florida has nearly half of the known US cases of COVID variants


Fort Lauderdale, Florida — New data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that in Florida there are nearly half of the known cases of mutated, perhaps more contagious strains of the coronavirus in the United States. Development took place on Friday, as Florida reported about 20,000 cases a day.

The CDC map shows that there were 22 cases of the B.1.1.7 variant that appeared in the United Kingdom in Florida. Twenty-six cases have been reported in California, two cases in Colorado, and one case each in New York and Georgia.

According to Florida Health Department statistics, the total number of new coronavirus cases on Friday was 19,530, nearly reaching the previous day’s record of 19,816 new daily cases.

The death toll from the Florida virus continues to grow, killing 23,011 people on Friday.

Since the pandemic began in March, approximately 1.4 million people have been infected with COVID in Florida. Earlier Friday, 7,329 people in Florida were hospitalized for the virus.

People over the age of 65 who are enthusiastic about the COVID-19 vaccine have overwhelmed online registration sites in several counties throughout Florida.

Florida followed federal recommendations to deploy the first vaccinations to front-line healthcare professionals and nursing home residents and staff in mid-December. However, as federal recommendations suggest, instead of lining up essential workers and people over the age of 75, or completing the first recipient group completely, Governor Ron DeSantis said in late December. Moved to and opened the vaccination more widely to people over the age of 65.

So far, 443,616 people in Florida, or about 2% of the state’s population, have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, with the overwhelming majority receiving the first vaccination.

“As hospitals have passed through their workers, what you are seeing now is that hospitals are more aggressive towards our elderly. That is our top priority at the moment. It’s a matter, “DeSantis said at a press conference Thursday.

On Friday, Florida lawmakers asked Desantis to provide them with more answers about how the vaccine was distributed. A bipartisan coalition of more than a dozen US representatives said in a letter to the governor that their members had asked about the order in which the vaccines were given and the schedule for continued deployment.

Republican Senator Rick Scott also wrote to Florida surgeon General Scott Livekeys on Friday to see how Florida health officials identify people aged 65 and over who are eligible for the vaccine. Asked if the residents of Florida were prioritized over Snowbirds. Winter months.

Senator Scott said he would like to know how information is being communicated about when the general public will start vaccination and where residents over the age of 65 can be vaccinated.

“We’ve heard from people who are struggling to get information about vaccines in the community,” said Senator Scott. “Many people can’t register from the phone lines or websites provided and face very long lines to get the vaccine.”


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