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What is Chronic Kidney Disease? How does it affect you?

What is Chronic Kidney Disease? How does it affect you?


The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are just below the thorax, one on each side of the spine.

A healthy kidney filters blood and excretes waste products as urine while maintaining a healthy balance of water, salt and minerals. Without this balance, nerves, muscles, and other tissues can fail and eventually fail. This is called chronic kidney disease and is a serious problem worldwide.

In the United States, one-third of Americans are at risk, and age is a major factor. It is believed that more than half of Americans over the age of 75 have some form of kidney damage. Other risks include high blood pressure, diabetes, and family history.

So what happens when the kidneys quit their job? Patients with renal failure require dialysis unless a donor kidney is found for transplantation.

If the kidneys fail, dialysis removes waste products, salts, and excess water, prevents them from accumulating in the body, and maintains safe levels of certain potassium, sodium, and other chemicals in the blood. By doing so, you can keep your body in balance. Blood pressure dialysis can be done at the hospital, dialysis center, or at home.

There are two types of dialysis, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Both do the same — remove waste products and excess water from the blood. In hemodialysis, blood is pumped out of the body through an artificial kidney. The blood gets dirty and comes back clean. Peritoneal dialysis uses the inner lining of the abdomen as a natural filter to allow the lavage fluid to flow in and out through a catheter. This process needs to be repeated frequently, and sessions can take 3-4 hours several times a week.

Dialysis does not cure kidney disease, and in the case of end-stage renal disease, patients must continue dialysis until a new kidney is found. Advances in dialysis treatment mean that many patients can continue their lives and receive treatment wherever they need it. However, there are many disparities, especially in the United States.

Due to the high risk factors in the US minority community, they are 1.5-4 times more likely to develop renal failure than whites. Nonetheless, studies show that racial and ethnic minorities often struggle to perform dialysis, despite the high incidence of kidney disease. They also spend more time waiting for a transplant than the white counterpart.

Meanwhile, the dialysis industry has evolved from a small independent clinic in the 1970s to a large commercial industry, which some critics say is full of potential conflicts.

Currently, two large companies, DaVita and Fresenius, own more than 80% of all dialysis centers in the United States. Critics say this makes it harder for smaller dialysis centers to compete and hinders innovation.

Some studies also suggest that large companies buy smaller dialysis facilities, resulting in increased hospitalizations and reduced quality of treatment.

However, for people with chronic kidney disease, there is actually only one option. Staying in the system, continuing dialysis, waiting for the kidneys, or dying.

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