Experts urge you to stop 5G networks until people’s safety is confirmed

Care must be taken and the global rollout of 5G (5th generation) communication networks must be stopped until this technology is ensured to be completely secure. Encourage experts in opinion pieces published online. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health..
Despite the conspiracy theorists’ suggestions, there are no health concerns about 5G and COVID-19.
However, the transmitter density required for 5G means that more people will be exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), which, at the level suggested by new evidence, can be harmful to health. Yes, Professor John William Frank of the University’s Asher Institute claims. Edinburgh.
The advent of 5G technology is a clear and promising economic and lifestyle benefit of government and certain vested interests by significantly enhancing wireless and mobile connectivity in homes, workplaces, schools, and communities. Welcomed by
But backed by four key areas of scientific uncertainty and concern, it has been the subject of intense controversy.
The technology contained in 5G is not exactly clear.And it is far from a growing but comprehensive laboratory study that shows the biologically disruptive potential of RF-EMF.
High-quality epidemiological studies on the effects of 5G EMF exposure on human health are (yet) almost completely lacking
Increased epidemiological evidence of such effects from previous generation RF-EMF exposure at lower levels
Permanent claims that telecommunications regulators in some countries do not base their RF-EMF safety policies on the latest science in a potential conflict of interest
5G uses radio waves at much higher frequencies (3 to 300 GHz) than ever before, and is a very new and relatively unappreciated assistive technology that enables this high data transmission capacity. Professor Frank points out that he is using.
Its inherent vulnerability means that transmission boost “cell” antennas are typically required every 100-300 m. This is much more spatially dense than the transmission masts required for older 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies that use low frequency waves, he says.
High-density transmission networks are also required to achieve the “anytime, anywhere” connectivity promised by 5G developers.
Existing 4G systems can serve up to 4000 radio frequency devices per square kilometer. He explains that 5G systems connect up to 1 million devices per square kilometer, significantly increasing the speed of data transfer (10x) and the amount of data transmitted (1000x).
Several major reviews of existing evidence of potential health hazards in 5G have been published over the last decade, but Professor Frank suggests that these are “various scientific qualities.”
And they said, “More and more engineers, scientists and doctors internationally … raise the safety standards of RF-EMF to the government, outsource more and better research, and prevent further public growth. I haven’t stopped crying. We are exposing until there is clearer evidence of safety. “
He points out that the maximum permissible safety limits for RF-EMF exposure vary considerably around the world.
In addition, “5G system” is not a consistently defined term, but consists of completely different specific technologies and components.
Each of these many forms of infection is very likely to cause somewhat different biological effects, and sound, comprehensive and up-to-date studies on these effects are virtually impossible... “
John William Frank, Professor, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
A recent review of data on RF-EMF has shown that exposure can produce a wide range of effects, including reproductive, fetal, oncology, neuropsychiatry, skin, eye, and immunology. However, as some conspiracy theorists suggest, there is no evidence to suggest that it is related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
“There are reports of knowledgeable commentators on the web that uncover this theory, and good scientists and publications do not support it. The theory that 5G and related EMFs contributed to the pandemic is unfounded. “He says.
However, with current 5G deployments, there are sound grounds for calling the “precautionary principle” as there are serious questions about the safety of new and potentially widespread human exposure. “It should be a good reason to call the moratorium of that exposure. Appropriate scientific investigations into suspected adverse health effects are pending,” he said.
He argues that there is no compelling public health or safety basis for the rapid deployment of 5G. He suggests that the main benefits promised are economic and perhaps some more than others, or related to improved consumer convenience.
“From a health and ecosystem perspective, those estimated benefits need to wait until we know more about what we are working on,” he concludes.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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