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Why California Suspends Many Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines


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A single lot of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is being investigated.Paul Hennessy / NurPhoto / Getty Images
  • Health officials should stop using certain lots of modelna vaccine.
  • Less than 10 people had an allergic reaction after receiving this vaccine.
  • All affected people were successfully treated.

California health officials have requested healthcare providers to suspend vaccination with one lot of Moderna vaccine after six San Diego people have experienced severe allergic reactions after receiving injections.

According to people, they needed medical treatment after receiving the shot statement From the California Public Health Service (CDPH).

There were no other clusters or adverse events associated with the lot (Moderna lot 041L20A).

More than 330,000 vaccines were distributed to 287 providers throughout California in early January.

The lot contained a total of 1,272,200 doses, most of which were shipped nationwide. Modana statement..

Thousands of them have already been administered.

Severe allergic reaction to vaccine Rare, vaccine-related anaphylaxis is about 1 in 100,000According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, the vaccine is new and health officials are closely monitoring allergic response rates.

However, with great care, CDPH recommends that California providers manage other batches until the state, moderna, CDC, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigate the lot in question. ..

CDPH ordered the investigation with great care.

“Pausing lots ordered when there are more or potentially unusual reactions is very normal,” he said. Dr. Anne Riou, Stanford Healthcare Infectious Disease Specialist.

Liu said it would be difficult to guess about the lot until more data was available.

Very rarely, Moderna lots can have manufacturing irregularities not found in other lots.

“Moderna, unlike Pfizer, is not a large company with a manufacturing infrastructure, so we outsource manufacturing,” Liu said.

The cluster of reactions is purely coincidental and may be unrelated to the vaccine.

“Clustering of allergic reactions in a single vaccination site can be caused by other phenomena. For example, all healthcare professionals are vulnerable to allergic reactions in a community or work environment. May have been previously exposed to. ” Catherine A. Whitehead, PhD, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University.

It is also possible that the Moderna lot is okay.

California is slow, Delayed deployment of vaccine Over the past few weeks.

Like some states West Virginia and North Dakota, Already using more than half the dose, California is just 30 percent Although the state received it.

Suspending the use of model narot will further delay the state’s vaccination efforts.

“I don’t necessarily think I need to pause a lot,” he said. Dr. Ameshua Darja |, Johns Hopkins University Health and Security Center Senior Scholar and Infectious Diseases Specialist.

There are risks associated with controlling doses during a pandemic crisis.

Allergic reactions are also easy to recognize and treat, Adalja said.

Meanwhile, Liu believes that suspending lot management to investigate anomalies is the right decision.

“I agree to cautiously suspend the use of this lot until more information can reveal this,” Liu said.

The San Diego Community Vaccine Clinic has reported six clusters of allergic reactions that may be associated with suspended lots.

A Colorado woman I also experienced a reaction to the same lot of vaccine.

“So far, thousands of other modelna vaccines have been administered without such problems,” Liu said.

Other clinics will proceed with vaccination using other model nalots.

Allergic reactions occur with all vaccines.

“The difference here is that allergic reactions to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine are always in the news, but allergic reactions to the flu, chickenpox and hepatitis vaccines are not. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. “I will,” said Whitehead.

Whitehead said he would be willing to take the dose provided by the lot, assuming that the standard window would be monitored after the shot.

All allergic reactions reported in San Diego occurred within a standard observation period of 15-30 minutes.

Allergic reactions occur shortly after vaccination. Therefore, we recommend staying near the vaccination site for 15 minutes.

Allergic reactions are easy to recognize and treat, according to Adalja.

“As long as people are vaccinated where they are ready to treat an immediate allergic reaction, they should still be willing to vaccinate,” Liu said.

If you are worried about booking an upcoming vaccination, you can ask the vaccination clinic if the lot under investigation is on hold.

People with a history of severe allergic reactions to the vaccine should consult their doctor before receiving an injection.

“This report should not discourage people from becoming a life-saving vaccine,” Adalja said.

California officials have advised state health care providers to stop taking batches of modelna vaccine after a population of San Diego people experience an allergic reaction after firing.

Although the risk of developing an allergic reaction after vaccination is low, the California Public Health Service wants to be very careful and avoid many of the problems.

Some experts are concerned that the risk of further delaying vaccination efforts outweighs the risk of rare allergic reactions because doctors can easily monitor and treat allergic reactions.


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