UK COVID variant hunters warn that undetected mutations may spread in the United States
London — British scientists say the rapidly prevailing COVID-19 mutant, first discovered in southern England, is evolving in a way that can make existing ones. vaccine It’s not very effective against it.UK is paying attention to mutations in Coronavirus For months, it has been a world leader in tracking changes in the genetic code of the virus.
British officials are trying to test everyone over the age of 16 in many areas where some cases of yet another nasty variant were found first in South Africa. But even when the UK is competing to find and stop its highly infectious strain, scientists appear to be mutating British variants in a way that mimics that of South Africa. I found that.
This finding raises concerns about the continued evolution of the virus, with some evidence suggesting. May lead to resistance to vaccines It is deployed all over the world.
“The virus is improving over time,” said Sharon Peacock, CBS News correspondent Roxana, who heads a national network of British scientists who are tracking changes more closely than anywhere else in the world. I told Saberi.
Regarding the coronavirus, Peacock says, “It’s a matter of natural selection. It’s survival of the fittest.”
She tells CBS News that her team is looking for new mutations in laboratories across the UK every day that “really give us the barcode of the virus.”
The hunt relies on both robotic and human researchers examining thousands of samples of COVID-19 and mapping mutations in the viral genetic code.
In November, they discovered something alarming. Mainly due to mutations in viral peplomer proteins, they are firmly anchored in cells and are significantly more contagious.
Ten people infected with the old variant of the virus were expected to infect 13 others, while 10 with the new variant found in Kent, southeast London, could infect about 20. There is sex.
“It’s really important, because more people can get sick, and therefore more people are more likely to die simply from the burden of illness,” says Peacock.
Immediately called the “UK variant”, the new strain has since Swept the worldEncouraged the United States and many other countries to tighten travel restrictions. Germany and Austria now require people going out to most public places to wear medical-grade masks as well as cloth face covers, and the UK imposes a third national blockade. I am.
British scientists say that as COVID-19 continues to mutate, more gene sequencing needs to be done in other parts of the world. There are some things to do in the United States.. Currently, less than 1% of coronavirus samples are sequenced in the United States, but about 10% in the United Kingdom, so many dangerous mutations can be overlooked.
Peacock said the US COVID-19 variant is “very likely” to be more widespread than currently known, “I think sequencing is essential to detect it.” “.
British scientists told CBS News that the vaccine would need to be redesigned by the end of this year to adapt to the new mutation, a senior researcher at pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca said Wednesday. It will be done as quickly as possible. “
“We are working very hard and we are already discussing not only the variants that need to be created in the laboratory, but also the clinical research that needs to be done,” Mene Pangalos said in a media briefing. “This year is because we are very much aiming to prepare something by the fall.”
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