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Safe resumption requires testing, tracking and quarantine, as well as vaccines

Safe resumption requires testing, tracking and quarantine, as well as vaccines


Recent surge in positives Development of COVID-19 vaccine It sent a wave of relief to the whole world tired of pandemics. However, no matter how effective these vaccines are, they are not enough to end this pandemic. Also, vaccines do not arrive fast enough for many of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been developed in record time. However, these announcements highlight important challenges. We provide approximately 8 billion people with double-dose vaccines with stringent cold chain requirements, many of whom live in communities with underfunded and tense healthcare systems. Even if you tackle logistics challenges, the reality is that it takes time and money to provide vaccines, treatments, and tests to everyone in need. Keep in mind that when life-saving antiretroviral drugs were introduced to HIV-positive people, it took seven years for the drugs to reach the poorest communities. During that time, millions of people died and millions more were infected, and the HIV pandemic continued to spread.

The basics for controlling this virus are more important than ever until these obstacles are overcome and vaccines and treatments are fairly distributed around the world.

For a long time, many countries will continue to rely on proven tools to control their pandemics. The formula is simple: test, trace, isolation. This simple but effective process is the key to a safe restart of the economy and society. This is made possible by the rapid and impartial scale-up of diagnostics. Most important tool To limit the spread of COVID-19. Testing, tracking, isolation, and finally testing, tracking, and treatment when treatment is available again … Efficient, Sustainable Especially in contrast to the methods of controlling viruses Emergency blockade as a last resortIt can undermine the public support and trust needed for the success of many other useful public health measures, such as vaccination and wearing masks.

This strategy has been successfully implemented worldwide for decades with ancient illnesses such as tuberculosis. This strategy also makes a difference in the fight against COVID-19.

From high-income countries like Singapore and South Korea to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) like Senegal and Vietnam, leaders have managed the COVID-19 epidemic with the help of a strong public health system. Rapid and extensive testing, tracking, and isolation strategies.. Many of these systems are gradually being built with investments to combat other infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, and have been supported by governments and multilateral organizations such as UNDP and the Global Fund for 20 years. ..John Nkengasong, head of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is especially credit A “joint continental effort” focused on extensive testing of mask wear, contact tracing, and public health messages to help many African countries deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Investing in these basic epidemic controls means that many of these countries impose shorter blockades than others.

But given the unprecedented scale of challenges we face, even successful people are struggling. As is often the case, the most needed communities continue to be struck by storms, both domestically and internationally.

In reality, high-income countries can generally be tested Significantly higher percentage Of their population compared to LMIC. For example, the UK has more than 42,000 tests per 100,000 people, covering almost half of the population, while a country like Niger can only carry out 143 tests per 100,000 people. Thankfully, there are promising new signs, such as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), that support the development and deployment of rapid testing. Support South American countries Implement new test protocols to empower healthcare professionals.

But we can and must do more.

The· Access to COVID-19 Tool (ACT) Accelerator I found it at just a sacrifice 77 cents per world citizenBy making reliable, easy-to-use, affordable and reliable tests available to anyone anywhere, we can save at least 9 million lives and prevent more than 1.5 billion COVID-19 infections with LMIC. However, of the 500 million tests requested by the ACT Accelerator, only 20 million were procured and distributed. ACT-Accelerator has secured 120 million expedited tests through a groundbreaking contract, but so far there are only enough funds to purchase and distribute 16 million of these tests.

Funding is urgently needed to scale up the diagnosis for those who need it most.Failure to do so can widen global inequality and pose a threat. MillionsEspecially the people of LMIC with extreme poverty, food insecurity and unemployment.

It may also be Confuse important medical services For important care such as cancer screening, HIV treatment, and vaccination. Without the right resources, COVID-19 will remain unchecked and countries will deal with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.. Unless we act, progress on fundamental issues such as poverty and gender inequality will be reversed.

Rely on difficult-to-distribute vaccines and blockades to control pandemics by providing governments with the resources and capabilities needed to build testing, tracking, and isolation systems based on unified public health goals. The degree is eased and further financial difficulties can be prevented. It also produces dividends that far exceed COVID-19. Expanding these efforts can provide significant long-term benefits by strengthening the health care system of the countries in need, improving emergency preparedness, and increasing the resilience of communities. I will.


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